Chapter 2: Karma Of The Nice

Three days had gone by since All Might's encounter with Ricolo. Ricolo was now sitting on a bench outside a park, clutching a piece of paper, All Might gifted him right before he left. The paper contained instructions on how to reach the entrance exam. Ricolo's eyes scanned the paper as he held it tightly between his fingers.

Despite the temptation to take the entrance exam, Ricolo hesitated due to his criminal past as a street thug. Someone who robs and kills is clearly not cut out to be a hero. Plus, the fear of being exposed and arrested by the heroes hosting the exam lingered in his mind. However, with no home and no food, Ricolo felt compelled to take the risk. As he sighed heavily and leaned back on the bench, his gaze shifted towards a nearby bar.

The bar was rowdy, several people could be seen partying booze in hand, this bar was the main place Ricolo stole from. The bar was sloppy and usually left food out before a waitress served them. Ricolo would steal the food before the waitress could get it. Confusing the kitchen. 

Ricolo pushed off the bench slowly standing up, before he walked towards the bar stuffing the piece of paper in his pocket... 

Meanwhile, inside U.A. High School, All Might was engaged in a heated discussion with Principal Nezu in an office. Nezu expressed his disapproval of All Might giving Deku his quirk, emphasizing the consequences of such actions. Stating that when the world eventually finds out about All Might true form, the number of villains will skyrocket. And they need someone cut out to be able to use one for all. 

Despite Nezu's objections, All Might remains faithful to his belief, quickly speaking to Nezu in his true frail form. 

" What did you expect me to do? Leave the child helpless? " 

"Just because he lacks a quirk, you decided to pass on your own? What part of that makes sense to you?" Nezu responded, clearly puzzled. All Might sat back in his chair, contemplating how to counter Nezu's argument. Recalling the incident with the sludge monster and Midoriya's bravery, while he thought about the incident something dawned on him and he spoke.

"When I defeated that sludge monster, I felt a piercing gaze on me. It was from a young homeless boy," All Might said to Nezu.

Confused, Nezu asked, "And how does this relate to our discussion?"

" You see. I kind of invited him to the hero entrance exam. " Right when All Might said this, Nezo stared at him like he was a fool and spoke while shaking his head. 

" You invited a child with no education, into the entrance exam? Does he at least have a quirk? "

" He does. But I don't know what it is. " 

" Ah, great. " Said Nezu spinning his office chair, making him face a computer, he quickly reached towards his white keyboard while asking All Might a question. 

" What is his name? " 

" Ricolo. " 

Nezu quickly typed his name into the computer, the computer Nezu was typing in, had stored all residents of Japan in its system, however. Even with the massive storage, not a single name popped up for Ricolo, Nezu stared at the computer stumped before a grin appeared on his face and he spoke.

" I think it's a good thing you invited him to the entrance exam. " 

" Why is that? " All Might asked. 

" If the child isn't in this computer, he wasn't born at a hospital, he has most likely been homeless his entire life. And yet he's still alive. Good. " Said Nezu with a grin on his face, as he pushed off the desk and spun around in his chair, coming to a stop, facing All Might. All Might stared at Nezu confused before he spoke again explaining himself. 

" Those born into nothing. Usually have the greatest will to climb out of it. If he is like I think he is. He might be a great hero "...

Bang Bang Bang

Five hours have passed since Nezu and All Might had their discussion, back at the bar, it was dark, and yet the same individuals could be seen partying, including Ricolo who was leaning on a faraway wall, with a pleased grin on his face. Ricolo had stolen several plates of food and had yet to be caught. 

The series of banging stemmed from a fight between two drunken men, who were fighting with just their fists, deciding not to use their quirks. A large crowd had gathered around and were watching the fight cheering the two men on. As the men threw haymakers at each other, the sound of footsteps entered Ricolo's ears. These footsteps approaching him, made Ricolo glance to the right, and exactly when he did, a fist quickly hurtled towards him.

Off pure instinct, Ricolo leaned his head forward narrowly dodging a punch from a man wearing a white apron. Ricolo stumbled before he regained his balance and stared at the man before the cook shouted out at Ricolo. 

" Did you think, someone wouldn't notice you stealing food? You homeless trash?! " Ricolo just scoffed at the comment, before he tightly balled up his fists, with the crowd of the bar being so focused on the fight happening between the two men. Ricolo knew that the crowd wouldn't pay any attention to a man shouting at a small child. 

The cook stared at Ricolo's fists confused, until his right hand flickered and a lightning-fast jab connected with the cook's nose, rocking his head back. The cook staggered back with blood pouring out his nostrils, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief. The force behind the punch had far exceeded his expectations.

The cook took two more steps back before he regained his footing and wiped his bloody nose. The cook gritted his teeth angrily before he shouted out. 

" Who the hell do you think you are kid? You're barely 5'6, don't think I won't kick your ass- " Before the man could finish his sentence, another powerful force slammed into his nose once again, making a loud crack ripple through the air. Whatever this force was, had completely broken the cook's nose. 

The sharp pain rippled through his face, causing the overconfident cook to pass out and collapse on the ground, Ricolo stared down at the cook before a grin crept on his face and murmured while looking down at his body. 

" You talked so mightily, what a shame. I can't even give myself a reason to kill you. "...