Chapter 3: Entrance Exam

Months down the line...

It's now February 26th, and the entrance exam is underway. While others diligently prepared for the upcoming exam, Ricolo spent his time stealing food and getting into brawls, oblivious to the challenges of the Entrance Exam. Currently, Ricolo could be spotted taking a refreshing bath in a nearby river not too far from the city.

In Ricolo's mind, it was essential to present himself well, especially since this exam could determine his entry into U.A. After enduring months of hardships, Ricolo had finally made up his mind to take the exam. Over these months, Ricolo's appearance had changed only so slightly.

His light blueish hair had grown a bit longer, his height now stood at 5'10, and his cold black eyes remained unchanged. His frail body still bore the marks of bruises and cuts, evidence of the numerous fights he had been involved in.

As Ricolo washed one of his cuts with the river water, he decided to step out of the river and put on his clothes - a torn black shirt and dirty grey sweatpants. Ricolo also lacked proper shoes. Even if he had the money or wanted to steal some, there was no time to purchase them, as the Entrance Exam was set to begin in less than an hour...

Step... Step.. Step. STEP!

An hour later, the sound of multiple footsteps echoed as an odd-looking group of individuals, in various attire, made their way toward a massive gate. Inside this group was a small frail-looking boy with green hair, Izuku Midoriya. Midoriya glanced around at the crowd of people as his heart raced and his mind was filled with thoughts...

Everyone here is taking the entrance exam? I don't know, if I can- Before I could finish my thinking, I felt a sudden hand grab onto my back making me snap my head back, and come face to face with that man I met, I believe his name is Iida. He looked at me confused before asking a question.

" Are you here to take the entrance exam? " Why is he asking? Does he think, I'm not cut out to be a hero? Or does he think I'm the weakest here? I guess, I should lie... Hm? Why did Iida suddenly turn his head? 

Right when I questioned this, I felt a chilling gaze creep down my spine. I quickly glanced towards the source and locked eyes with a lanky boy with blueish hair, I stared into his eyes until he let out a scoff and walked away with his hands in his pockets. Umm... What the hell did he laugh for? As soon as I thought this, I felt my legs shaking and looked down. Oh, that's why?...

As Ricolo walked away while laughing at the sight of Midoriya, the two doors of the gate, snapped open and slowly started to separate, letting out an ear-deafening screech, as the gates scraped across the ground, the massive crowd of people stared at the opening gate until in unison, they lunged forward. 

Everyone sprinted at their stop speeds, running through the opening, everyone except Ricolo who calmly walked towards the gate with his hands in his pockets. Observing everyone, who was running, and once again, his eyes fell onto Izuku Midoriya. He stared at the back of Midoriya before he smirked and started to sprint towards him. 

Ricolo followed Midoriya until Midoriya slid to a stop, stopping several feet away from an imperial robot, Midoriya stared at this robot with sweat pouring down his face, he kept staring until a sudden voice caught him off guard.

" So? What is your quirk? " Deku eyes widened, before he glanced behind him and came face to face with Ricolo, sweat started to pour down Deku's face until Ricolo let out a loud sigh and spoke while shaking his head. 

"I suppose you're smarter than I gave you credit for. I wouldn't reveal my quirk either. But... I guess, good luck," Ricolo said, tapping Midoriya's shoulder before walking away. Out of the corner of his eye, Ricolo noticed a robot with two green metallic tails fixated on him.

Ricolo locked eyes with the robot, swiftly pivoting and lunging towards it. In a matter of seconds, he delivered a light punch that barely grazed the robot. The machine stood motionless until, strangely, the sound of tapping reverberated through the air, before the green armor of the robot shattered violently, and it collapsed face-first on the ground, defeated. 

" The armor is weaker than I thought it would be. " Murmered Ricolo while he glanced down at the robot, he kept staring at it, until the sound of gunshots rippled through the air behind him. Ricolo only had a few seconds, to process the sound of bullets hurling towards him, before he glanced back, and gracefully dodged the barrage of rubber bullets.

Ricolo dodged one more bullet before he smirked and swiftly zig-zagged his way toward it, effortlessly dodging the projectiles. With a powerful leap, he landed on top of the robot, delivering a crushing stomp to its head, shattering its feeble armor into pieces. Ricolo stood on the robot before a loud bang shook the ground underneath him. 

This sudden bang caught Ricolo off guard, who looked to his right as an enormous shadow was cast on the road he was on. Ricolo was face-to-face with a zero-point robot. He glared at the robot, his mind racing trying to figure out a way to defeat this thing, until an abrupt shout rippled through the road.

Ricolo watched confused, as Deku leaped up into the air, before he delivered a powerful punch that caved in the robot's skull as green shards of armor, flew out wildly. Ricolo felt a shockwave blow his hair in the wind before he scoffed and murmured under his breath. 

" He's that strong? He didn't act like it. "

Ricolo watched Deku fall from the sky, with wobbly legs and bruised arm. Ricolo was confused surely the kid would catch himself right? Ricolo stood in disbelief that Deku wasn't going to stop his fall, until abruptly... A girl stopped his fall, using her quirk...