Chapter 4: You've Been Accepted

Static Static Static 

" W-wow... that power is incredible "Murmured a black-haired man wearing a lab coat staring at a screen broadcasting the entrance exam. The examiner had just seen Deku completely destroy the zero-point robot. Sweat dripped down the examiner's face before he snapped his head towards a white mouse and spoke cheerfully. 

" N-Nezu did you see that? If he's that powerful, he can become a great hero, like All Might. " However, even with the examiner's happiness, Nezu simply facepalmed and shook his head, muttering softly to himself, too quiet for anyone to hear.

"It's just as I feared. His body can't handle such immense power." The examiner looked at Nezu, puzzled, trying to figure out what Nezu said, but before he could. Nezu let out a sigh and requested him to switch the camera feed.

"Please switch it to Ricolo." The examiner, still confused, nodded and pressed a button, causing the screen to flicker before displaying Ricolo standing amidst a pile of destroyed robots. Ricolo was visibly exhausted, his breathing was harsh with sweat covering his face. He glanced back at the zero-point robot before he shook his head, whispering to himself.

However, his whisper was not loud enough for the camera broadcasting to hear, so Nezu kept staring at the pile of robots Ricolo destroyed before a chaotic grin crept on his face and he spoke to the examiner with his voice filled with excitement.

"Send more robots his way, towards his area. We're going to see his quirk to the fullest "...

Ricolo stood on a robot, with his hands on his hips. His heart was racing, Ricolo was used to fighting one person at a time, only once in his young life, did Ricolo have to fight a large group of people. So, Ricolo decided to take a brief break to catch his breath and regain his strength before facing the robots once more. But just as he was about to relax...

Out of nowhere, five figures descended from the sky, crashing down right in front of Ricolo with a thunderous bang. Ricolo couldn't help but smack his lips in annoyance as he let go of his hips and clenched his fists. The five robots glared at him menacingly, then simultaneously lunged towards him.

The weight of the robots caused the ground to crack beneath them as they spun their bodies, launching their tails at Ricolo. With remarkable agility, Ricolo effortlessly leaped over the incoming attacks. Ricolo hovered in the air for a moment before gracefully landing on their tails, using them as a pathway. He swiftly ran across them, delivering a devastating kick to one of the robots' heads, causing it to cave in with ease.

The destroyed robot plummeted towards the ground, while Ricolo stood on top of it. He swiftly ducked under a tail swipe from another robot and retaliated by slamming his fist into its metallic body, sending it crashing into a nearby car. The damaged robot struggled to stand, barely functional, until suddenly, a force collided with it, propelling it through the car and into a nearby building.

The remaining robots could only stare at Ricolo in disbelief before they, too, were swiftly dealt with. Their bodies crashed into nearby objects, leaving Ricolo unscathed as he gracefully landed on the ground. However, to anyone observing closely, it was evident that Ricolo was pushing his limits.

Ricolo wiped the sweat off his forehead before he spoke to himself. 

" Is everyone else? Getting so many- " Before Ricolo could finish his sentence gunshots echoed through the street causing him to dash into a nearby alleyway, Ricolo peaked out of the alleyway and saw a Robot standing on a rooftop. The robot was blindly firing bullets in the direction of Ricolo, Ricolo stared at this robot confused, until his eyes widened and he crossed his arms.

Just in time to block a charging Robot that slammed through the walls of the alleyway, Ricolo's body flew out of the alleyway and rolled to a stop in the middle of the road before he gingerly stood up. The robot from the rooftop leaped down crashing down on his left. Ricolo glanced at the robot before he scoffed and mocked it. 

" Tsk, did you run out of bullets? " The robot stared at Ricolo unresponsive, as the other robot slowly walked towards Ricolo, the two robots glared at Ricolo calculating their next move. Until a beeping noise, echoed through the sky, and once again, five more robots crashed down from the sky, completely surrounding Ricolo...

As Ricolo was surrounded, Deku could still be seen laying on the ground unconscious next to Uraraka who was crouched next to him worried, she stared at his broken arm and legs as her mind raced with thoughts...

W-What? What should I do? Stop the exam? B-But I can't do that, I don't even know how to. There are still around three minutes left in the exam, so? How can I protect him for those three minutes, luckily, no robots have- Bang 

Gunshots? Fortunately, they aren't directed at me. I turn to my right and witness a group of robots emerging from a building, shooting bullets at a boy with blue hair. The bullets whiz past him, piercing the walls of nearby buildings. I watch as the boy twists his body and kicks a robot in the eye, shattering its skull.

Green fragments scatter as the robot's life fades away, its body splitting open to reveal three rockets that are launched toward the boy, leaving a fiery trail behind. The boy stares at the rockets, then contorts his body, spinning between two rockets, and somersaulting over the third while leaping off a robot's tail. 

After taking a deep breath, he grabs onto a nearby pipe attached to a building, halting his descent toward the ground. The robots turn their attention towards him, landing harshly on the ground as the boy gazes down at the robot beneath him. Suddenly, he clenches his fist and punches a hole through the wall. I watch in confusion until I notice something the boy hasn't - the rockets fired by the robot are homing missiles. I grit my teeth and shout out a warning.

" Hey! The Rockets are homing!!" The boy swiftly looks in my direction, before he grins and lets go of the pipe, he quickly falls towards the robots, while the rockets swirl around each other, hurling towards him. The boy grabs on his torn shirt, before in one swift motion, he rips off his shirt and tosses it towards the rocket.

The rockets and shirt collided causing a massive explosion to ripple through the sky, the force of the explosion was so powerful, that it propelled the boy's body through the air, until it violently collided with the road, before he scraped to a stop only a few feet away from me. The robots stared at the boy lying on the ground completely ignoring me, I stared at the robots, worried, until oddly, I heard the boy giggle, and suddenly, the building near the robots collapsed, ultimately falling onto the robots and destroying them entirely. 

A massive dust cloud, formed from the building crumpling, engulfing both me and the boy, I could barely see his back, as he gingerly stood back up, and looked back at me, with blood pouring out of his nose. 

" Thanks for the warning. Even though I already knew about the rockets. I've been dealing with those rockets for a while now. " He said to me, while he wiped his nose before his hand snapped towards me, offering to help me to my feet. His movements are weird... even when he fought those robots, his movements weren't fluid instead, his body oddly snapped into position, like he's done the movement before. 

It must be his quirk, I reach out and grab onto his hand before he easily pulls me to my feet, I stare at him until he asks me a question. 

" How much longer until the exam ends? " I stare at him confused until I answer his question

" Umm, I say about a minute and a half? "...

As Ricolo and Uraraka spoke, at the entrance exam, surveillance room. Nezu could be seen staring at the screen with a massive grin on his face, the examiner glanced over at Nezu before he spoke. 

" Sir? You do know that Ricolo didn't take the written section of the exam, right? " Nezu just let out a scoff, before he hopped out his chair and spoke while glaring at the examiner. 

" That doesn't matter, really... this student. Is far too... promising, to let go. " Nezu walked towards the door leading out of the room, with one intention, to tell Ricolo he had been accepted into U.A...