Chapter 13: Silence Of Power

" You should pick me! " 

" No, you all should pick me! "

Inside classroom 1-A, a heated debate was taking place. The topic of discussion? Who would be the class representative? While everyone was busy arguing, Ricolo had already made up his mind. The moment Eraser Head announced the task. He was going to vote for Deku. He seemed like the perfect choice. The only issue was, that Ricolo didn't know how to cast his vote. Right when started to think about this. Suddenly, Lida rose from his seat, hand raised high, grabbing everyone's attention instantly.

"Let's settle this democratically. We'll have a vote to determine the class representative," he suggested. The class unanimously agreed, and after a few minutes, the election results were in. Izuku Midorya emerged as the winner with four votes. Deku started trembling in his seat, before Bakugo slammed his hands on the desk, and stood up, shouting.

" So? Who the hell voted for him?! " 

 "What, did you think someone would vote for you?" Responded Kirishima with a smirk. This led to Bakugo and Kirishima getting into an argument, while Deku slowly got up from his desk, legs shaking, and made his way to the front of the class. Deku stood next to Momo as Eraser Head spoke in a bored voice.

" The class rep is Midoriya and your deputy is Yaoyorozu "...

A few minutes later, Inside the Lunch Rush Cafeteria, Deku, Lida, and Uraraka could all be seen sitting at a table with trays of food in front of them. Deku let out a loud sigh before he leaned back and spoke in a shaky voice. 

" I wonder who voted me to be the class rep? Surely, they don't think, I would be a good one. " Lida looked at Deku confused before he spoke. 

" What do you mean? You could be a great class rep. As a matter of fact, I'm one of the four that voted for you. Your level-headedness when you battled Bakugo showed that you have the potential to lead this class. " As soon as Lida said this, a grin appeared on Deku's face, before he nodded and spoke. 

" Thank you, Lida, but who else do you think voted for me? " Right when Deku said this he glanced over at Uraraka but oddly, she avoided eye contact staring at the table, before suddenly she spoke, saying someone's name.

" Well, maybe Ricolo voted for you? " 

" What? Why would Ricolo vote for me? He rarely talks to me. And I don't think he has a great impression of me. He just called me funny guy, after the battle trail and left, never speaking to me again. " Responded Deku, staring at Uraraka, before abruptly Lida spoke. 

" To be fair, Ricolo probably talks to you the most. He doesn't talk to anyone in the class and just sleeps all day. " 

" Yeah, he only talks when he is fighting or needs something. " Added Urakaka who stared at Deku, while he pondered trying to figure out, what to say but before he could, the sound an ear-deafening alarm started to go off, making the entire lunch room stand up in a panic... 

The reason for the alarm was quite simple. Due to the announcement of All Might joining U.A as a faculty member. Reporters began to swarm the entrance of U.A, desperate to get a statement from the Symbol of Peace himself. The reporters erupted into loud pleas for statements, but the teachers remained silent, shooting annoyed glances at the reporters.

However, it wasn't just the teachers observing the chaos. Ricolo who had skipped lunch, unable to pay for the food, glared through a window, at the ruckus below. Ricolo let out a sigh, stepping away from the window.

Ricolo walked away, his footsteps drowned out by the uproar of the crowd. Suddenly, a louder set of footsteps caught his attention, and he turned to see Deku and Iida sprinting past him. Unaware of Iida's plan to address the reporters, Ricolo watched as they disappeared into the chaos.

After maneuvering through the crowd of students with Uraraka's help, Lida finally stood before the reporters, delivering a speech to calm the agitated crowd. As Lida gave this speech, Ricolo watched through a window, until he was interrupted by the sound of an elderly voice calling out to him.

" Why didn't you go and help them?" asked Recovery Girl, her gaze fixed on Ricolo as he turned to face her. Ricolo simply shrugged his shoulders before responding.

"I'm not sure. But honestly, I'd rather not speak in front of a crowd that broadcasts everything I say to the entire world," Recovery Girl scoffed at Ricolo's answer, placing her wrinkled hands on her hips as she spoke. 

"Well, you better get used to it. You should have considered that before trying to become a hero. " Ricolo could only shake his head before he murmured to himself under his breath.

" You sound just like Lori-" Before he could finish, a loud bang echoed, causing him to turn. Peering through the window, he saw a gate closing the entrance to U.A. Confused, Ricolo stared until Recovery Girl chuckled, mocking the reporters. 

" Don't those fools have anything else to do? " Ricolo could only nod, agreeing with her, until she spoke again, asking Ricolo another question. 

"So, why did you let Midoriya win? Eraser Head mentioned you gave him the win. It surprised me, I didn't think you were the type to show kindness, or at least, the glare coming from your eyes doesn't show that."

"You're correct. I didn't do it out of kindness. I simply don't like being indebted to others. Nothing good ever comes from owing favors,"...