Chapter 14: Surprise Attack

In the darkness of night, a cloaked figure could be seen leaning on a brick wall, with blood drenching his cloak, painting it a crimson red. Ricolo's hand was held up to his ear, as he talked on the phone. In a slightly irritated voice.

" You want me to kill another one? I already killed one early, now? You want me to kill another? Besides, why should I? You haven't paid me for that one politician. " 

Ricolo had recently killed a man involved with human trafficking, a few weeks early compared to his usual, jobs. And yet, the woman Ricolo was talking to, wanted him to kill another man back to back. 

" I understand that you raised me. But if important figures keep disappearing, some news journalist is bound to notice, and once they publish a story. The heroes will be on the lookout. "

The woman Ricolo was talking to was the only saved contact in his phone, Lori. Usually, for each person Ricolo kills, he is paid exactly 1000 USD. On his last paycheck, he used the majority of it, on paying for a spot, to bury his dead sister. But transferring the money to Ricolo was the hardest part if a random homeless kid's bank account gains $1000. It guaranteed to make the government question it. 

So, Lori is forced to go through several money laundering schemes to make the payments. This is what Lori was explaining to Ricolo through the phone, making the phone buzz. Ricolo let out a loud sigh before he nodded his head and spoke. 

" Fine, I'll kill him. But not right now, it's around 3 AM, and apparently, we are going to the U.S.J for training, and we need to be at school early to catch a bus ride. "...

Several hours later. 

The sound of loud chatter could be heard on a bus, while Ricolo sat in the very back with his arms crossed and his head leaning on the window repeatedly bouncing off it each time the bus hit a pothole. He kept sleeping, until suddenly his body flung foward slamming into the seat in front of him, making him snap his eyes open. Ricolo held his head, as he whispered to himself. 

" What the hell did he slam on his breaks for? " 

The answer to Ricolo's question was quite simple, they had arrived at the U.S.J, to the delight of class 1-A. Ricolo watched as his classmates stood up and headed to the exit. Ricolo watched exhaustedly, Ricolo didn't get a drop of sleep. Because Lori, had convinced him to do the job on that night. Ricolo finished the job at 6 AM right before class started. 

Ricolo grabbed onto the blue seat in front of him before he stood up and started to head towards the exit, he walked down the steps before he hopped off the bus. He glanced around staring at the shoulders of fellow students until an abrupt voice shouted out catching his attention. 

" Hello everyone. I've been waiting for you. " Ricolo stared at a person in an astronaut suit confused, he didn't have a clue who she was. Ricolo quickly glanced around the crowd, but unlike him. Everyone else was staring, especially Deku who was staring at her in shock. Who then quickly started to murmer to himself, 

" It's the space hero, thirteen! " Ricolo nodded his head, learning the woman's name before Thirteen spoke again. 

" I can't wait to show you what is inside. " She said pointing at the entrance of U.S.J, in unison class 1-A followed Thirteen entering the massive building, coming to a stop, staring at the enormous training ground in awe. Ricolo glanced around, before thirteen started to give a speech about her quirk, saying how some of the students here have dangerous quirks and how it can damage them. 

Ricolo didn't pay much attention to the speech, his eyes scanning the training ground, looking at the large mountain and a single mass of water. But his scanning was suddenly interrupted by a hand touching his shoulder. Ricolo glanced over to his right, before locking eyes with Eraser Head. 

" You should pay attention, Ricolo. And stop looking around, she is talking about some pretty important stuff. " 

" I think I know how to use my quirk quite well. And how to use it, so it doesn't damage me. Her speech might be important to the others, but not myself. " Responded Ricolo, Eraser Head just scoffed at Ricolo before he spoke again. 

" Really? If you would tell us your quirk, then U.A. could help you better. " Ricolo pondered before he grinned and spoke a single word. 

" Restatement. " Eraser Head's sleepy eyes widened surprised that Ricolo answered his question. He started to contemplate the ability of a quirk called restatement. But before he could finish pondering, a sudden powerful wave of energy engulfed him, making him snap his head towards a water fountain. 

He watched as a purple portal appeared out of thin air and a man wearing hands walked out of the portal, his eyes filled with killing intent...