Chapter 16: Whirlpool


Wind blew powerfully tossing a small boat in the middle of a massive body of water, the boat rocked back and forth as Deku leaned on a wall with his body soaked. Standing next to Deku was Tsuyu, and directly behind her was Mineta, who was shaking and terrified as villains surrounded the boat. 

Deku's eyes darted around as he tried to process a plan to escape. Until he took a deep breath and came to a painful realization. If he wanted to get out of this situation. He was going to have to break one of his bones. Deku glanced over at Mineta before he spoke. 

" I'm going to use my quirk to create a massive whirlpool. And Tsuyu please use your quirk to save me. " Tsuyu quickly nodded, before Deku glanced at the boat's edge, seeing villains slowly swim closer and closer. He took several breaths until he leaped off the edge hurling down towards the villains in a single swift motion. 

The villains grinned seeing Deku approaching the water. However, their grins will be short-lived. Deku flicked his fingers, sending a powerful wave of energy slamming into the wave, causing a massive explosion of water droplets. Rain started to pour down, as Deku fell towards the swirling water in agony. He fell closer and closer, until a long tongue sprung out and grabbed his body... 

Bang Bang Bang 

As Deku and the others successfully escaped from the boat, Eraser Head could still be seen battling the enormous crowd of villains. However, it was growing apparent that he was running out of stamina. Sweat poured down his face, as he strained his eyes repeatedly stopping the use of several quirks. 

Eraser Head leaned back easily dodging a sloppy kick, before his scarf shot out wrapping around a thug's leg, the thug hopped back trying to free himself from the scarf's grasp but it was too late, the thug was quickly yanked off his feet and thrown into three other villains sending them tumbling to the ground. 

" Tsk, how annoying, you are cool. " Said a pale boy wearing hands, Eraser Head glanced at this boy confused, but his attention was drawn back to a young woman throwing a barrage of attacks at Eraser Head, who casually dodged them, before he slammed a powerful uppercut into her teeth, launching her off her feet.

Her body flipped several times before it violently slammed into the hard ground making a loud thud ripple out. With her taken care of, Eraser Head looked back at the boy, before he took a deep breath and asked a question while his black hair fell covering his face. 

" Are you the leader? Of this group? " The pale boy, didn't answer his question. Instead, he started to scratch his neck, peeling the skin. Seeing that the boy had no attention to answering his question. Eraser Head leaned foward, putting all of his weight into his front foot. 

With his stamina running out, Eraser Head in his mind only had one chance to defeat the leader of this group. Eraser Head leaned further foward while bending his knees getting ready to charge as a cruel grin crept onto the young boy's face. Eraser Head kicked off the ground, lunging foward, sprinting past several thugs who could barely track Eraser Head's movements. 

Eraser Head appeared in front of the boy in seconds throwing a powerful elbow that slammed into his stomach causing a barely noticeable shockwave to ripple out. The young boy vomited out saliva from the force of the hit. Saliva covered Eraser Head's arm, Eraser Head glanced down at his saliva-covered arm until a sudden ominous laugh rippled out.

Eraser Head listened to this laugh confused, till suddenly his eyes widened, and sharp pain rippled through his elbow. Eraser Head watched as his elbow slowly started to crack away, before he yanked his arm back and dashed back.

Eraser Head came to a sliding stop with his arm dangling, he gritted his teeth in agony, as the young boy started to chuckle. Before he spoke saying a single phrase. 

" By the way, Eraser Head. I'm not the leader "...

As Eraser Head struggles against the crowd, inside a dome, rain pours down onto Ricolo who walks aimlessly in the abandoned city. He glances around checking his corners before he lets out a low-pitched sigh and murmurs under his breath.

" Where the hell is the exit? " Ricolo had figured out he was in a dome, but still he couldn't find the exit, seeing this. Ricolo walked towards the dome's walls and gently tapped the wall. The sound of the tap rippled out, before suddenly a massive hole spurted open. With a fragment of the wall shooting out.

Daylight poured into the dark dome, as Ricolo ducked his head and walked through the hole. Coming to a stop before his gaze fixated on Deku, who was on the water's edge. He stared at their terrified expression confused until he looked towards the water fountain and his eyes widened...