Chapter 17: Shattered Dreams

Drip Drip Drip

The sound of blood dripping echoed through the eerily quiet room, Eraser Head could be seen brutally battered with Nomu tightly holding onto his arm. Deku watched in horror, as Eraser Head breathed painfully, as Nomu snapped his arm like a puny twig. Eraser Head gritted his teeth in agony before he screamed out in pain.

This scream entered Deku's ears who watched while his mind raced to try to find a way to save Eraser Head, he stared forward until the sound of hurried footsteps caught his attention, making him glance to his right, just in time to see, Ricolo lunge at the Nomu at top speed, Ricolo's eyes were completely focused on Eraser Head.

He appeared next to Eraser Head coming to a sliding stop, with his fists tightly balled. Ricolo instantly snapped his right hand forward slamming his fist into Nomu's massive bicep. The punch barely budged the Nomu's arm, making it grin cockily, until suddenly, the action of the punch started to repeat rapidly until the Nomu dashed back, cracking the ground under it.

The Nomu slammed its feet into the ground, coming to a screeching stop, while it glared at Ricolo. The effects of the attack were little to none, the Nomu dashed back as a precaution unsure of what Ricolo's quirk was. Ricolo maintained a piercing stare at the Nomu, ensuring that it remained within his line of sight. Suddenly, Ricolo's eyes dilated, and without warning, the Nomu vanished from its original position, reappearing directly in front of Ricolo.

A look of sheer astonishment washed over Ricolo's face. He was completely unable to track the Nomu's lightning-fast movements. All Ricolo could perceive was the Nomu's right arm blurring before an excruciating pain surged through his chest, propelling his body backwards from the force of the Nomu's punch. As Ricolo was sent hurtling through the air, he vomited blood, his body soaring past Deku and plunging deep into the water.

Ricolo stared up, as bubbles swam past him, he couldn't believe it. It was the first time since All Might that someone could blitz his eyes. Ricolo remained motionless as he sank deeper into the water until he suddenly flipped and propelled himself off the lake's floor, ascending rapidly until his head broke through the water's surface. Water poured off his face as he coughed repeatedly, desperately gasping for air.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Ricolo turned his attention towards Eraser Head, only to widen his eyes in astonishment at the sight of a colossal purple portal beside the Nomu and Shigaraki. They appeared to be immersed in a conversation, their words inaudible to Ricolo. However, this was not his primary concern, as Shigaraki suddenly lunged towards Deku with incredible speed, his hands outstretched. Inch by inch, his hand drew closer to Deku's face, until abruptly, Shigaraki's hand halted just before making contact.

Shigaraki's eyes widened before he quickly looked behind him, with a stunned look on his face. Standing directly behind him... Was no other than, Ricolo glaring at him, Shigaraki quickly spun swiping his palm at Ricolo while talking. " How did you get past me?! " Ricolo didn't answer, instead he watched Shigaraki's hand getting closer to him. The hand was mere millimeters away from Ricolo's face until it swiped through Ricolo's face. Not hitting him. 

" What?! " Screamed out Shigaraki as he stumbled off balance from his attack fazing through Ricolo's body. Shigaraki glanced over at Ricolo but he was gone. Unbeknownst to Shigaraki, the Ricolo he tried to attack, wasn't real instead it was repeated action. Ricolo can repeat any action he causes, even sound, and sight. 

Ricolo often uses this in assassinations to trick security guards. Or to defeat inexperienced heroes. Deku and the others looked at Shigaraki confused, until an ear-deafening bang rippled through the air followed by a loud shout.

" Do no fear! Because I am here! " The scream came from no other than All Might himself, instantly a wave of powerful energy swept through the training grounds. Causing Shigaraki to cover his face. His feet slid back, as All Might slowly walked down the stairs, his eyes glancing at the villains until Shigaraki glanced at the Nomu and shouted out.

"Well?! What are you waiting for?! " Without saying another word, the Nomu started to bend its knee preparing to lunge at the All Might. However, before he could lunge... All Might beat him to it, dashing towards the Nomu at hyperspeeds. The Nomu off pure instinct crossed its burly arms narrowly blocking a powerful punch from All Might. 

All Might inhaled deeply before he twisted his torso throwing another punch at the Nomu, the punch slammed the Nomu's face, but... It barely budged the Nomu's head, the Nomu grinned oddly, before throwing a punch, but before it could reach, All Might's fist clashed with the punch. After this one punch. The Nomu and All Might started to exchange a barrage of punches at each other, spending powerful shockwaves tumbling through the training grounds. 

These shockwaves caused the lake, to gush rapidly, causing strong waves to form, in the middle of the lake was Ricolo, who was struggling to keep his head above the water, the punch from the Nomu did more damage than he expected. Unbeknownst to Ricolo, the punch had completely shattered his ribs. Ricolo watched as All Might and Nomu dashed around the training grounds exchanging blows, he couldn't help but watch in amazement.

Ricolo wasn't the only one watching this battle in awe, throughout the training grounds, villains and students alike, had stopped battling each other and began to watch the two monsters clash. The fight caused cracks in the ground, as All Might threw a powerful uppercut that snapped the Nomu's head back. The Nomu couldn't help but groan in pain, before All Might grabbed onto its wrist, and twirled his body, flinging the Nomu. 

The Nomu's body flew through the air, until he flipped, slamming its massive feet into the ground. Right before the Nomu could regain its composure another punch slammed into's face, sending their body flying through the air again. The Nomu crashed through several trees causing bark to spew out wildly. 

The Nomu slowly stood up from the trees, glancing around, before All Might appeared directly behind it, throwing a punch, that connected with the Nomu back, causing it to stumble forward. As the Nomu stumbled. Back at the lake, Deku and the others watched in a state of shock. Before the sound of splashing caught their attention making Deku look back just in time to see, Ricolo grab onto the edge of the lake. 

He slowly pushed himself before he spoke. " The portal is gone. " Deku listened to this confused until his eyes widened and he noticed that the purple portal had completely vanished. Back inside the forest, All Might was about to throw another punch at the staggered Nomu before suddenly, a portal appeared under him, causing his body to fall. 

All Might let out a gasp of shock, as the portal started to close trying to cut All Might in half, before suddenly a distant explosion rippled through the air, and the portal All Might was stuck in loosened, and he slipped through it, reappearing in the middle of the training grounds. All Might sat on the ground confused, before he glanced to his right and saw Bakugo standing next to the portal. Before he screamed out cockily. 

" HAHA! I knew I saw your body when you created the purple fog! " The portal could only let out a grunt as All Might gingerly stood up and looked over toward the Nomu who glared at him. Both of them knew, this battle was coming to a rapid conclusion...