Chapter 27: Crowd

" I'm so excited for the second round of the tournament to kick off! I just know the fights are going to be absolutely electrifying! " Yelled out a young child who barely could contain his excitement as he stood before a vending stand, begging his mother to buy him a drink. The vendor could only shake his head, overwhelmed by the massive crowd that had gathered in front of the stadium. People were bustling around, buying souvenirs of their favorite pro heroes.

In the midst of the crowd, Ricolo walked with a tired expression on his face. He had recently woke up from his nap on the couch in that isolated room, luckily for him, he had awoken at the perfect time. The first round had just ended and a twenty-minute break was announced, this break is mainly going to be used to reinforce security, making sure another attack doesn't happen.

Ricolo aimlessly strolled around, vendors on either side of him, screaming out to the buzzing crowd trying to convince them to purchase items, Ricolo listened to this slightly annoyed until suddenly, as he walked past an elderly woman, he felt a tug on his pants making him abruptly halt and look down. Locking eyes with a small girl with blue hair and black eyes. Oddly, the moment Ricolo locked eyes with the girl, his eyes suddenly became strange, they were completely lost in thought. But the thoughts flooding his head were short-lived as the child held up a plushie of All Might and spoke. 

" Y-You're one of the U.A. students, aren't you? C-Can you sign this for me? M-My grandmother has a Sharpie if you need one. " Ricolo quickly coughed as a fake grin appeared on his face and he spoke. 

" Of course, I would. It would be an honor. " Ricolo took the sharpie from the child's grandmother, signed the plushie, and handed the sharpie back before continuing on his way. But as he took a few more steps, he felt someone's gaze on the back of his neck before hearing a familiar voice calling out to him.

"You're not the type I expected to see signing autographs, Ricolo. Are you enjoying your newfound fame?" This voice stemmed from Mina who was standing in front of a dart board, that was loosely nailed into a wooden wall.

" For now. But being famous has never brought me any benefits. " Responded Ricolo, a confused look appeared on Mina's face, but before she could ask a question, another voice screamed out to Ricolo. This voice was Iida. 

" Did you give Momo? That strategy to beat me, I heard from several staff members saying that Momo was looking for you, and if so- " 

" No. I told her how to beat Bakugo, truthfully, I couldn't care less about you." As soon as Iida heard this, a slightly irritated look swept across his face, as he tightly balled up his fists and yelled out, asking a question.

" Who would win in a fight? Me or you?! " As soon as Iida said this, Mina's eyes widened, as a playful smirk appeared on her face and she reached into her pockets quickly pulling out her phone. She took several steps back, as sweat began to Iida's face, as Ricolo's gaze turned cold, and he spoke arrogantly.

" Are you being serious? Look at yourself. You're sweating from my gaze alone, but if you want to educate yourself, come on. " Ricolo slowly begins to walk towards Iida, as Mina taps on her phone starting a recording, the buzzing crowd stagnates, as they surround Ricolo and Iida creating an arena.

Iida stared at Ricolo as he slowly approached him, Iida quickly realized the mistake of his outburst as the crowd waited patiently for a fight to start, but before it could, another voice spoke originating from Uraraka.

" Both of you cut it out, w-will yeah?" Ricolo quickly glanced at Uraraka but before he could speak Iida spoke while coughing. 

" Cough, I have to agree, it wouldn't be good for the U.A. reputation if we fought each other. " Ricolo just shook his head and turned around. He was about to walk away but before he could, Mina spoke while sliding her phone back into her pocket. 

" Hey! Ricolo, let's play darts. You still have roughly 15 minutes until the second round starts. Why not enjoy it? Besides, who are you even fighting." Right when Ricolo heard this question, he pointed to his right, pointing at Uraraka. Uraraka immediately swallowed her spit and began to scratch the back of her head. Before mustering the courage to speak.

" Y-Yeah, he's going to be my next fight, Mina. So, it's probably not a good idea for us to play darts together. And besides, I need to find Deku and ask him a few questions- "

" On how to beat me, correct? " Said Ricolo cutting Uraraka off, Uraraka grew silent after hearing this until a sudden wave of confidence swept across her body and she spoke with a grin on her face.

" Absolutely, and just a warning, It's not going to end like how it did during the battle trial. " As soon as, Uraraka said this, the wave of fake confidence evaporated from her body, and her legs started to shake rapidly, but Ricolo ignored her shaking legs and spoke glaring into her eyes. 

" You're the first one to figure out my quirk, so I'm not going to take you lightly, Uraraka. So, please don't disappoint me. " Uraraka could only let out a frightened chuckle before she erratically nodded and spoke while backpedaling through the crowd. 

" Umm, Y-Yeah, get ready to lose Ricolo. " Uraraka quickly spun around and started to jog through the crowd as Ricolo watched her body slowly get hidden by the crowd before he turned to Mina and asked a question while grabbing onto a dart.

" What number are we starting on "

" 301. ... 

Pov: Uraraka

G-Great, I pissed him off. This is the one thing, I didn't want to do. But I had to say something, I couldn't just watch, Ricolo kick Iida's ass in front of that massive crowd. But I need to hurry up and find Deku. He's the only one who will be capable of forming a strategy for beating Ricolo.

I quickly sprint into the stadium ignoring the countless gazes staring at me, as I sprint up a flight of stairs and take a sharp right. Deku told me to meet him in the cafeteria of the stadium. I quickly head towards the cafeteria, and walk through a double-wide door, instantly I see Deku sitting by his lonesome, with a notebook in front of him, resting on the table. 

A stressed look covers his face until he glances up and notices me, immediately a grin appears on his face and he yells out while waving to me. " Finally you came, Uraraka. But hurry and sit down, we don't have much longer until the second round starts. "...