Chapter 28: Old Memories




" Ricolo I must apologize for my outburst earlier, that wasn't like me in the slightest. It's just my family stems from a long strain of heroes and losing to Momo, in my eyes, tarnished that legacy. " Said Iida standing next to Ricolo, as he tightly held a dart.

" It's fine. Losing to Momo isn't a bad thing, she's quite a skilled hero. And I know what the weight of expectations does to someone, it makes them hasty, angry, and even sloppy. " Responded Ricolo while he tossed a dart, that flew through the air before sticking into the board, entering the bullseye. 

As soon as this dart struck the board, Mina let out an irritated sigh and spoke with her arms crossed. " Tsk, how the hell are you good at darts? I figured you were the type to only focus on fighting. " Ricolo scoffed before walking towards the board grabbing onto the darts and handing them to Iida. 

Iida immediately stepped over standing in front of the board, he quickly threw the darts, striking the board in several different places, he could only look at the dartboard disappointed before he glanced over towards Ricolo, but oddly, he wasn't paying attention in the slightest, his eyes were completely focused on something else. 

What Ricolo was staring at, was a glare, emanating from the scope of a rifle, on the balcony of a third-story apartment, where a man and a woman were. This apartment was roughly a mile away, but still, Ricolo could notice the glare, he stared at this glare, until abruptly he felt a tap on his shoulder making him snap his head back down. 

" Hey? What are you looking at? " Asked Mina who was staring at him confused.

" Nothing, but we should call this dart game short and head back into the stadium. " Responded Ricolo glancing back up towards the balcony only to see the woman playfully wave at him. He nervously smirked at this wave, as Ricolo began to backpedal, slipping into the buzzing crowd. 

Mina and Iida could only watch confused, but even with the confusion, they quickly walked following him, Mina quickly sprinted and reached Ricolo as Iida carried on walking, trailing them. Mina and Ricolo took a few steps in unison before Mina asked him a question. 

" What the hell happened? "

" The sniper from earlier is back. That is all. But don't tell anyone, I doubt he will shoot again, I'm only going back into the stadium, as a precaution. " Mina quickly nodded and grew quiet, but the silence didn't last long, as she asked another question.

" Who's the sniper? You obviously know them. So, why are they trying to kill you? "

To Mina's annoyance, Ricolo didn't answer her and instead walked in complete silence, he walked with his hands in his pockets, as he felt Mina's gaze staring at him, but before Mina could ask this question again, the distant sound of Present Mic's voice coming from the stadium could be heard announcing the victories of the first round.

" Ricolo vs Mina- Ricolo victory "

" Midoriya vs Midoriya - Midoriya victory "

" Todoroki vs Tokoyami- Todoroki victory "

" Bakugo vs Shoji- Bakugo victory "

" Momo vs Iida- Momo victory "

" Kirishima vs Kaminari - Kirishima victory "

" Uraraka vs Hatsume - Uraraku victory "

" Sero vs Tsuyu- Tsuyu victory "

" That is all of the matches of the first round, please give these students a round of applause even for those that lost. " The sound of clapping and cheering could be heard rippling out of the stadium, as Present Mic spoke once again. 

" The first match of the second round will be between Ricolo and Uraraku, if those two will come to the tunnels in roughly ten minutes, the show of the second round can officially commence. "...