Chapter 30: Respect

Pov: Uraraka




The sound of beating resonated in my ears until my eyes snapped open and I let out a loud gasp, Quickly, I glanced around trying to find out where I was. I'm in a blue-covered bed inside a small pure white room with a single ceiling fan, which is spinning endlessly. Oh, I'm inside a nursing room, it's similar to the one inside the U.A. 

That beeping stems from an old-style telephone resting on a small desk, in the right corner of the room. Tch, looks like Ricolo knocked me out completely. How am I going to face Deku and the others? It's embarrassing knowing that they had to carry me off the stage. 

I can only assume that Recovery Girl healed me, but still, my body feels weak, slightly sluggish. At least, I put up somewhat of a fight against Ricolo. And I even caught him with a strong one. I tightly ball my fist up and raise it into the air, until suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I see a figure standing next to my bed with a confused look on my face. 

" What the hell are you doing? " I-Its Ricolo, how the hell did he get in here? I didn't hear his footsteps or feel his presence at all. I snap my head towards him, jumping slightly in fright.

" How long have you been there? " I ask him in a weak voice. 

" A little less than a minute. But what are you jumping for? Did I give you PTSD or something?" He says to me with a smirk on his face, I just shake my head at him and gingerly push off the bed getting into a sitting position before crossing my legs. I lock eyes with him and ask a question.

" Why are you here for? " 

" To apologize. Mina and the others bitched at me until I came over here. " He said shrugging his shoulders. Well, he's not apologizing in the slightest, it sounds like he forced was to come here. But? I guess it's the thought that counts. Quickly, I ask him another question.

" Since the fight is over. What is your time limit? " He just scoffs at me and responded while shaking his head. 

" I'm not just going to tell you. But it isn't unlimited if you're asking that. And it doesn't last longer than one day." 

Right as he says this, the faint sound of Present Mic's voice rippled into this small room, " The match between Izuku Midoriya and Tsuyu Asui will officially commence! " Deku is fighting Tsuyu? I didn't know that. As I think about this, Ricolo's face contorted slightly, before he spoke.

" Tsuyu? The frog? That isn't a fair fight in the slightest. " Yeah, I love Tsuyu to death but... It isn't a fair fight. I just exhaled deeply regaining Ricolo's attention, as he looked at me, and I spoke asking him another question. 

" Where do you come from Ricolo? I have asked several people including Eraserhead, but they all don't know who your parents are or do they know where you live. "

" Probably because my parents are dead. But I live in a small apartment, I recently bought, It's a couple of miles away from the U.A. but looking back on it, it was a waste of money. I'm not going to be here for much longer."

" What do you mean? " I ask.

" Don't worry about it. And for your other question, I come from...From, another family you could say. I have six siblings, one of them is dead. And our mother has recently died. " What? His mother and one of his siblings died, but there isn't really a trace of sadness in his eyes, Deku did tell me Ricolo was acting strange, I'm guessing it is because of his mother passing. 

" W-Well, I'm sorry for your loss. " He just scoffs at me, before he grins and glances behind his shoulder, noticing that the doorknob has turned slightly before the door creeps open and Recovery Girl walks into the room, immediately she stops and looks up at Ricolo. She glares at him before she speaks. 

" What are you doing here? " 

" Came to finish her off. She was targeting my shoulder and it really annoyed me. " She just grunts at him slightly annoyed and walks past him. That's right, I forgot about that. I lock eyes with Ricolo and ask him about his shoulder. 

" Why did Mina target your right shoulder so much? During our fight, I stole her idea, but I wasn't really sure why. " Before Ricolo could answer, Recovery girl spoke while grabbing onto my wrist. 

" It's a long story. That, you don't need the answer for. " I don't need the answer? What happened to his shoulder? I glared at his right shoulder until abruptly a distant Present Mic roared out announcing a winner.

" The winner is Izuku Midoriya! "

" What a shocker. " Mocked Ricolo as he laughed to himself, immediately, afterward Recovery Girl jerked her head back and glared at Ricolo before speaking to him. " I need you to leave the room, Ricolo. I'm about to check her body. " 

"Thank you, I was trying to find a to make an excuse to leave anyway. " He says while spinning around and approaching the door, he quickly opens it and walks out, gently closing it behind him. As soon as he left, Recovery Girl let out a loud sigh and spoke to me while looking into my eyes.

 " He isn't someone you want to be around. I don't why, maybe it's my old age. But I can tell when someone is a good person and a bad person. Ricolo is definitely a horrible person, every time we make eye contact, chills sweep across my spine. " 

" Welcome to the club. " I say to her, she looks at me confused before I continue speaking.

" Everyone says that about Ricolo, they're all scared to look at him, besides maybe Bakugo and Todoroki. They say he has a killing stare, but in my opinion, hidden behind that stare, is a good person. " Recovery Girl just shakes her head at me, mumbles barely loud enough, for me to hear. 

" You have a lot to learn, some people, are just plain evil "...