Chapter 31: His Death Will Happen Tonight

Ching Ching Ching

Location: ???

The sound of a rifle being cocked back rippled out, while four figures wearing long black cloaks could be seen sitting in a warehouse filled with boxes. If any average person, walked into this warehouse. It would feel like being face-to-face with the Grim Reaper. The amount of killing intent inside the warehouse would be nauseating, making anyone unable to look up from the ground. The killing intent was so sharp, that even Ricolo's glare couldn't compare. 

" Would you stop cocking back that rifle Kiro? It's fucking annoying? " Said a deep voice, but oddly, the person who said this was insanely short, only around 4'5. His cloak engulfed the floor under him, shielding him entirely. Kiro let out a loud scoff. But before he could respond, a sweet feminine voice spoke. 

" Cut it out, yeah? We gathered here to prepare, not argue. " Both Kiro and the short man, immediately snapped their heads down to the floor, slightly nervous. Clearly, the woman who said this, was the leader or maybe the strongest of the five. Silence swept through the warehouse until the same woman spoke again. 

" Stop being Chicken, Kiro and Lekio. But I called you all here. To plan. Like I said earlier. We will kill Ricolo. His death will happen tonight. But before we can kill him, we need to ask him some questions. What happened to Lori, why did he kill one of our members? Etc. "

" Don't act like it's going to be easy. Ricolo isn't an easy person to kill, he's was the one who focused on battling in close combat after all. " Responded another woman, who was leaning on a wooden crate with her arms crossed. 

" So, did you Akane? Are you saying that you couldn't defeat him in a fight? You two were a pretty good duo after all. " Said the leader

" That was years ago. I'm sure he has improved. But the same can't be said for us, Chiyo " Responded Akane looking up at Chiyo who glared down at her slightly annoyed. Chiyo let out a loud sigh and spoke.

" Probably. You are right, our strengths have stagnated. But with Ricolo's quirk, there isn't no telling how much he will be able to grow. But that only serves as more reason for us to kill him. And, we'll have to see how Ricolo plays at this Sports Festival. " 

" What do you mean? " Asked Kiro. 

" It would be logical, for Ricolo to throw his upcoming match. And give him more time to heal that shoulder you injured. But...Knowing him, he's going to try to win the entire thing. "...

As the remnants of Ricolo's past gathered. Back inside the stadium, inside the stands. Ricolo was waiting for the battle between Todoroki and Kirishima to begin. But his mind wasn't focusing on the battle it was on something entirely different...

Kiro, Chiyo, Akane, and Lekio. Between those four, which one am I going to kill first? This question has been running through my mind, ever since Kiro shot me with his rifle. But still, what are they doing back from the States? Lori ordered them to kill- 

" Hey! Ricolo! What are you doing in the stands? You never watch any of the matches. " 

Deku? I stare at him as he sits down next to me. I'm pretty sure, I fight him next. And, yet he's sitting down next to me like nothing is happening. He really is an odd guy. 

" Nothing. I had nothing better to do. So, here I am. " 

" Oh. I just saw that you were lost in thought and figured I would come to ask you. " 

" You do know I'm your next fight, right? " I say to him, he just nods his head and quickly responds while tightly clenching his fists. 

" Y-Yeah, I know. I'm still trying to figure out, how I'm going to beat you. I just came back from Uraraka. She said trying to predict your attacks was nearly impossible. " Impossible? She did it? When she dodged my uppercut. I shake my head and speak.

" She did well. Far better than I expected. And- " Before I could finish my sentence, the announcer at this place, screamed out loudly cutting me off. " Start! " Tsk, annoying bastard. I let out a sigh before Deku chuckled nervously and asked me a question while scratching the back of his head. 

" Yeah, Present Mic knows. How to cut people off, doesn't he? But who do you think is going to win between Todoroki and Kirishima? "

" Todoroki. " 

I would be surprised if he lost this fight. I watch as Todoroki fires a barrage of ice that sweeps across the stage, Kirishima sidesteps the attack, stumbling to his right. And by the looks of it. Kirishima doesn't have a plan to combat Todoroki's ice. But speaking of plans, I need to prepare for the fight that's going to happen tonight. I need to get my knives from my apartment and get ready for Chiyo. 

If I can't kill her...Then, I'll most likely die. Her quirk is just a pain in the ass to deal with. But...There isn't anything I can do now. You can never run away from your past. It will always eventually catch up to you. 

I do have a backup plan. Just in case, I fail to kill them. Unlike, the League Of Villians. They won't expose my identity. Unless their morals changed while they were in the USA. I start to tap my foot on the ground, until abruptly, I stand up and walk past Deku, who is writing in a notebook. 

He quickly looks up at me, before asking me a question with a confused look on his face. " Where are you going? " I just shrug my shoulders and walk away from him. This fight will probably last eightish minutes, then there will be a 10-minute intermission before Bakugo vs Momo. During that time, I should be able to go to my house and make it back, before my fight with Deku...