Chapter 32: Watery Victory

" I-Its over!! After a stellar fight, Kirishima was knocked out of the ring by Todoroki! " Roared Present Mic, as Kirishima was lying on his back with his body shivering from the freezing cold ice engulfing his body, but he wasn't the only one shivering, in the middle of the stage surrounded by ice.

Was Todoroki his body trembled rapidly, he exhaled frosty breaths, until he abruptly collapsed to one knee. He placed his palm on his knee and looked over into the crowd locking eyes with Endeavor. A look of pure anger swept through Todoroki's face, as he gingerly stood back up, as Present Mic screamed out.

" With the end of this dramatic fight! Will Momo Yaoyorozu and Katsuki Bakugo! Please, head to the tunnels! " 

As soon as this announcement was made, in the stands, Momo let out a hefty exhale, her heart was racing. Even with the plan given to her by Ricolo, she still couldn't see herself winning this fight. She could only swallow her saliva and stand up from the stands, walking through the crowd with her head facing the floor. 

After several minutes, the crowd she once walked through, was staring at her, as she stood on the stage, facing Bakugo, who glared at her. Sweat poured down her face, as Present Mic screamed out. 

" Start! " 


Instantly, Bakugo propelled himself forward his blonde hair blowing through the air, as he threw a spinning kick, Momo's eyes widened until she rolled to her right, narrowly avoiding the kick. Bakugo quickly slammed his foot onto the floor but oddly, it slipped, screeching across the floor until he slammed back first onto the floor.

" Water? " Mumbled Bakugo, as he stood up from the ground, his clothes slightly soaked. The sound of a slight chuckle, rippled out as Momo held onto her chest, as water dripped through her fingers. Unlike, someone with a water quirk, Momo can't directly shoot out water from her chest. She can only create the compound H20, the water will float there until affected by an outside force, such as gravity, the force of a punch, etc. Due to the gravity, when Momo rolled out of the way of that attack, H20 poured out, covering the floor in water.

Bakugo let out a loud grunt, and quickly extended his hands behind him, firing an explosion. He soared through the air until he fired another explosion propelling himself into the air while somersaulting. He floated in the air, head facing the ground, as he locked eyes with Momo, and a final explosion rang out.

Instantly, his body became a blur, as he shot towards the ground with his palm stretched out.

With zero time to dodge, Momo watched as a palm was mere inches away until it suddenly went through a barrier of water. Bakugo's eyes widened, as he tried to use his quirk, but only small sparks shot out, but still, the momentum of Bakugo falling let him tightly grab Momo's face, flinging her body to the floor.


Her body bounced off the slippery floor until eventually she rolled to a stop. And stood back up. She glared forward seeing, Bakugo staring at his palm, slightly confused. Until he looked over towards Momo and asked her a question.

" How the hell did you figure this plan out?" 

" I didn't. " Responded Momo, as she grabbed onto a metal pipe, that was slowly materializing out of her chest. She quickly yanked it out and pointed it at Bakugo. A grin appeared on Bakugo's face while he pointed his arms foward, until oddly he clapped his hands together.

Momo watched this confused before a massive explosion shot out from his palms engulfing the stage in the smoke, obscuring the crowd's vision of the fight. A smoke cloud stagnated in the air, as Momo glanced around, with her metal pipe still pointing forward. She gritted her teeth until she mumbled out, talking to herself. 

" He clapped his hands, to combine the amount of sweat building in his glands. " 

Right when, she said this, the smoke cloud flowing in the air, began to move oddly, until a sprinting Bakugo appeared directly in front of Momo, throwing a punch. She swiftly spun the pipe, blocking his punch making a loud Ding sound ring out. Momo could only resist the force of Bakugo's punch for mere seconds, as her hand was pushed back, and her feet began to slip across the wet stage.

Sensing the dangerous predicament she was in, she let go of the pipe, letting Bakugo hit it off the stage, as she quickly dashed to her left gaining distance away from Bakugo. And began to create another pipe out of her chest, but before she could form it, Bakugo lunged towards her forcing Momo to cancel the process to block a kick aimed at her head. 

The power of the kick caused Momo to stumble back until another kick slammed into her stomach sending her hurling through the air. Her body slammed into the ground, coming to a scraping stop sheer inches away from the stage's edge. She swiftly pushed off the ground narrowly dodging a knee, from a charging Bakugo.

Momo twisted her torso throwing a sloppy hook that Bakugo easily blocked, catching her fist with one hand. He grinned cockily, as he extended out his left hand, until abruptly it broke through another barrier of water.

Bakugo stared at the water covering his finger until he grunted annoyed and yanked Momo's fist to him, slamming a powerful headbutt into Momo's nose busting it open. 

" I'll admit, the water plan is a good one. But how do you plan on defeating me? " Said Bakugo throwing a punch at Momo. Who barely dodged it, backpedaling with unsteady steps. As soon as she regained her balance, she grinned at Bakugo and spoke.

" I haven't figured that out yet. "

An annoyed look arose across Bakugo's face, as he began to throw a barrage of punches and kicks at Momo, brutally battering her body, until an uppercut collided with her chin, forcing Momo's body to fly into the air, before roughly slamming into the floor, blood leaked down her face, covering it in blood. 

This sight would soon become public, as a powerful gust of wind, swept across the stage, finally blowing away the once stagnate dust cloud. The crowd let out a gasp of shock, as Bakugo walked towards the nearly unconscious Momo, his shoes and clothes soaked.

Bakugo watched as Momo pushed off the ground, before he slammed a kick directly into her face, making her head shoot back onto the floor, he stepped over Momo's chest standing above her, with his palm pointed down towards her, ready to fire a blast...But abruptly, he looked up towards Present Mic and Eraserhead and spoke.

" Hey! She's knocked out. " Present Mic's eyes widened until he let out a small cough and spoke.

" After a barbaric fight! The winner is Bakugo! With a watery victory! "...

With Bakugo's brutal victory over Momo, the next fight between Ricolo and Deku would officially begin. But unlike any of the matches previously. A problem would happen before the match even started...