Chapter 36: Past(2)

Gasp Gasp Gasp.

The sound of heavy breathing rippled through a dense forest, bouncing off tree after tree. If you follow this sound, it would reveal a group of six children, all brutally battered. Their eyes were almost swollen shut, their limbs were badly bruised, and their hearts were racing, and yet all of them stood up, glaring at each other with their fists tightly balled. 

" I'll k-kill you Ricolo," said a young Akane, her black hair was greasy, and blood dripped down her innocent-looking face. Her bright blue eyes could no longer be seen, hidden by her swollen black eyes. She stumbled forward with her tiny legs, until she collapsed face first, harshly landing on the ground unconscious.

Ricolo glanced down at her body until the sound of scribbling entered his ears and he looked over towards his left, seeing Lori writing down, in a notebook. Of course, the young Ricolo had zero clue what Lori was doing, so he could only stare at her confused, until a tiny fist slammed into his face, making him stumble back in pain. 

Angrily Ricolo grunted as he stared at Kiro, who had used his quirk to sneak up on Ricolo, making his movements completely silent. He stared at Kiro until a loud clap rippled through the air making the fighting between the toddlers seize immediately. 

" Well done, my children. But please, stop your fighting, there is no longer any need to fight for your dear mother. "...

{ Ricolo, Akane, Chiyo, Liope, Lekio, Kiro } 

This exact order was written on the chalkboard, as Lori tightly held a piece of chalk and spun around to speak to the man. " This is the order of the best hand-to-hand fighters in the group. Of course, this wasn't decided by that one battle in a forest, but over several years. And from those several years, I have grouped the toddlers into different categories. But before we can go over them, I'm missing one important detail about Ricolo. "

A confused look swept across the man's face, as Lori kept on speaking. " Three years had passed since I began the experiment, the children were making rapid progress, and I was quite happy, so I went to my house, to "enjoy" the day off. I sat down on my couch and began to watch TV, but an odd feeling crept into me. A sharp chilling gaze. Ahh, I'll never forget the day. It was the day, I found the prodigy of the group. "...

"Buy one get one free. From your local supermarket! "

This message rippled throughout a small room covered in bookshelves. The message stemmed from a TV, as Lori sat down on a large brown sofa, watching the advertisement with a bored look on her face. She gently tapped the arm of the sofa growing impatient from the length of the AD. Until abruptly, a chill crept down her spine and she snapped her towards the door. 

But the door was unmoved, her eyes began to quickly dart around the room, looking at the countless amount of bookshelves covering it, until she began to slowly stand up from the sofa...And that's when in the corner of her eye, a figure on her right appeared standing on the arm of the sofa, instantly she swung to the right, but nothing was there. Her eyes widened in shock, as an object slammed into her throat. But the attack did nothing. 

A creepy grin filled with malicious scraped across her face, as she looked to her right and saw Ricolo holding onto a stone knife, roughly made out of rocks and stems. The young Ricolo could only stare at Lori, his heart racing, as a punch slammed into his stomach. So powerful, that it flung him through the air, flipping until he collided with the door, cracking it. He fell face-first onto the wooden floor, coughing out blood. 

Lori let out a cruel chuckle, as she stood up from the chair, holding onto the knife, that Ricolo had crafted with the sole purpose of ending her life. She glanced down at it, before chucking it on the floor, it rattled on the ground, as she approached Ricolo lying on the floor gasping for air. 

" Not bad Ricolo. If you knew my quirk...Well if you knew my quirk you wouldn't have been dumb enough to try this. But still, it was a good attempt. " Lori slowly walked over towards Ricolo crouching in front of him, glaring into his eyes, still with a grin. She spoke.

" My quirk is called teaching. In any other circumstance, it isn't very helpful. But just for you, and your little friends it's perfect. The more I teach somebody, the stronger I grow, and the weaker their attack grows. Basically, let's put it like this, I taught you everything you know, how to read, how to fight, damn near even how to think. In other words, no matter how much you try, you won't be able to kill me. " Ricolo could only muster out two words in response, blood pouring out of his mouth.

" Y-Your evil. "

" My dear Ricolo, you will soon learn that evil is subjective. There's no evil or good in this world. Only the strongest, and non strongest. The one with the most power and the least power. But come on! Let's go visit your sister. Shall we? " Responded Lori, tightly grabbing onto Ricolo's blue hair, dragging him across the floor with ease...

The man stared at Lori with a stumped look on his face, until Lori spoke once again.

" Ricolo had the ingredients to become the perfect assassin but unlike the others, he still tightly held onto his humanity. I needed to get rid of that. "

" And you did that by? " 

" It would be better if I showed you. Then told you. " Lori approached the man while grabbing onto her phone tucked into her bra, she quickly unlocked it, and placed the phone on the table, on the phone was a video of the inside of a cold dull room, in this room were two young children holding onto each other...

Heartbreak is a hell of a thing. When you lose the only relative to you. It's even worse. No one would want to live through or replay that memory. Unfortunately for a young Ricolo, this was his reality. Inside an empty freezing metal room, which would make even the strongest of men tremble. 

The horrific image of Ricolo holding onto his little sister's barely alive body was at full display. Tears covered Ricolo's eyes. The final time he would ever cry in his life. His little sister's body, was frail, trembling. It was obvious that she was starved. Even though anger was rampant through his body, Ricolo couldn't do anything. He knew that killing Lori was impossible. A cruel fate, indeed. 

In her final moments on Earth. She reached up to her older's brother face, gently grabbing it. She locked eyes with him and spoke in a timid weak voice. " It's destiny. If y-you are destined to live a life full of happiness then you will. Remember that dear brother. " And just like that, her body turned stiff and her head fell back. Silence covered the empty room, as Ricolo stared at the floor. His mind racing with ideas on how to slaughter Lori. But he couldn't. He couldn't figure out how.

If the person you hated the most. Had zero ways to be killed. And control every aspect of your life. Even the most mentally tough individuals, minds would shatter, even if it was just a little. This exact thing happened to Ricolo. He slowly brushed his sister's eyes closed and placed her on the floor. Standing up only to be met with a round of clapping followed by Lori's voice coming from a speaker embedded into the metal wall. 

" She had such wise words. It almost brought tears to my eyes...Just kidding of course, but come meet your mother inside the room, where you tragically tried to kill me. I've got another gift for you. " Following Lori's orders, Ricolo walked away from his sister's corpse, nothing could be seen on his face. Like a child void of emotions. Step after Step, he approached the room, entering it.

Coming face to face with Lori, who had turned the sofa around, facing the door. In her hand, was a VHS tape. Inside this VHS tape, was the recording of Ricolo's sister's final moments. Lori would often replay this moment, every single time Ricolo messed up, whether it was training, or during a mission. She would broadcast this message into his earpiece. Ricolo was forced to hear his sister's final moments over and over again...

" Pretty ingenious idea don't you agree? " Said Lori pulling her phone up from the table, the man grew quiet before asking Lori a question. 

" What are their quirks? " 

" Ahh, you have to sign the contract before that. I plan on sending four of them. " Responded Lori, the man grew silent and spoke once again.

"You're going to leave two in Japan. " 

" No, just one. One of them was killed. " The man's eyes widened from this statement from Lori but an annoyed look was covering her face. And the man quickly decided not to question her about it. Instead, he stood up from his chair and spoke. 

" I'll sign the contract. Don't worry about the costs of traveling. I'll sneak them into my private jet and smuggle them over the border. I just hope these experiments of yours are the killing machines you say they are. " A delighted grin covered Lori's face, as she grabbed onto a piece of paper resting on the glass table, sliding it over towards the man. The man quickly read over it and signed it. 

" Like I promised. I'll go over their quirks. One by One. I won't go into detail over their weakness but I'll simply tell you what they can do. " 

" Kiro: Quirk: Silencer: He can silence any action that is above 30 decibels. "

" Akane: Quirk: Sentiment Trauma: She inflicted any emotion on someone. Postive, negative or netural. "

" Chiyo: Quirk: Future Sight: She can see up to five seconds into the future. "

"Lekio: Quirk: Divison: He can divide any non-living object, into either halves, quarters, or eighths." 

" Ricolo: Restatement: He can repeat any actions he causes. " 

After hearing this barrage of quirks, the man stood still his mind pondering, until he asked a question while looking towards Lori. " So, what are these killing machines doing right now? " Lori just smirked and spoke while grabbing onto the contract. " They are doing a mission right now. It's their final test for me. "

" I order them to kill a politician residing in Tokyo, they most likely completed the mission by now. I'll order them to meet at the hole, right away, follow me. "...