Chapter 37: Past Test

" Ricolo. "

"Ricolo! "

" Ricolo! Focus, we're about to enter that building, Chiyo says guards will pass through here in a few seconds. " Said Akane as she tightly held onto Ricolo's shoulder. Calming his emotions. The two were standing on a roof, that was directly in front of a large square building surrounded by an electrical fence, with barbwire on top of it. It was in the middle of the night.

Their cloaks blew in the wind, being illuminated by the full moon, as they stood on the roof's edge glaring down at three guards passing through, patrolling the area. They waited patiently, until the guards vanished, and their earpieces rang. "You're good to go. " In unison, the two lept off the building hurling towards the street and gently landing on it. 

Cautiously they approached the entrance to the building, a gate, with two car park barriers on either side of a small gray security guard booth with a single window, facing to the right. Mixed with the darkness of night, and their small statures. Being only around 4 feet tall each, sneaking past the security guard would be easy. 

They stepped in unison sneaking past the half-asleep security guard, entering into the open, before dashing to the left, hiding behind a nearby tree. Ricolo and Akane stood next to each other, their breaths silent, and hearts calm. Glaring at a large double-wide black door, on a rich white porch. The building they were sneaking into was similar to a mansion, but instead of lavish planets, such as flowers, and bushes. Tripwires, hidden landmines, and hidden holes. Covered the courtyard of the mansion. 

These things were confirmed by Lori, giving them blueprints of the house, warning them of the danger. As they waited for a signal to push forward. Akane glanced behind her, at the security guard booth and whispered into Ricolo's left ear. 

" We could kill him. It would make exiting this place far easier. "

" There's no need. It would leave evidence. We were ordered to make this death look like an accident, killing a guard, even if we hid the body, would easily make the investigation into a homicide case. " Responded Ricolo tapping the bark of the tree, they were hiding behind, until abrupt static entered into the earpieces and a voice spoke. 

" Kiro has spotted an armed vehicle approaching the entrance, wait for it, to enter through the gate and then, hide under it. It should know the path, to avoid the traps set. Hurry, Lekio is already inside the building." 

Ricolo quickly pressed onto his ear and spoke. " Understood, Chiyo. " Akane quickly glanced at Ricolo before simultaneously they crouched, while the light of headlights spewed, illuminating the dark yard. They watched as a heavily armored truck with a mounted machine gun stopped at the gate, talking to the security guard, fussing at him, for being asleep on the job. After a brief argument, the car park barrier slowly raised, letting the truck drive in. Ricolo stared at the truck leaning forward getting ready to dash towards it, until he spoke to Akane.

" When you get under the truck, pull your cloak up, we can't let it drag on the ground. It might trigger one of the traps. " Akane nodded, as they lunged towards the truck, flying under it, tightly grabbing onto a metal bar, pulling up, tightly clinging onto it. As it slowly drove through the yard. 

The truck drove for several feet until suddenly, the sound of clicking rippled through the air, both Ricolo and Akane listened to this sound confused. Before, the grass under the truck, slide to the right, revealing a ramp, that went deep underground. The truck roughly drove down this ramp, making Ricolo's and Akane's bodies bounce up and down. Slamming into the truck as they tightly held onto it.

Thanks to the blueprints, the two understood that they had to reach a cellar, to kill the politician. But neither of them expected a secret ramp would lead them to this cellar. Realizing this Ricolo wrapped his legs around the metal bar, he was holding onto and pressed onto his earpiece. 

" Chiyo? Are you sure Lekio, is in the right place? " 

" Yeah. He said he had to dig roughly one hundred feet deep to reach the cellar. " 

" We're going down a ramp, under the truck, it opened up from the grass. But one hundred feet does sound about right. We're rapidly approaching her office. I'll contact-- 

Before Ricolo could finish his sentence, the earpiece in his ear, let out several beeps signifying that it had lost connection. Ricolo could only let out a loud sigh, as the moving truck came to an abrupt halt, and the sound of the truck doors popping open rang out. Three men stepped out walking towards a metal door, quickly tapping a passcode into a digital lock, and opening it.

Watching the men close the door behind them, Ricolo and Akane relaxed their arms dropping onto the ground and rolling out from underneath the truck. The room they were in was barren with several wooden crates, the ground was concrete and the walls were made from pure steel. Ricolo and Akane glanced at each other, pondering on what to do, before a sudden young voice spoke, coming from a wooden crate. 

" Ricolo. Akane. You took your time. But hurry up, those guards are going to come back soon. " The voice came from Lekio who walked out from behind the crate. Ricolo and Akane quickly walked towards him while Ricolo asked a question. 

"Where exactly is she? " 

" Just under us. I'm sure you noticed. But our connection with Chiyo has severed. Meaning, we have to kill her and make it quick. Truthfully, I don't know if we can make it look like an accident. " Responded Lekio.

" When you divide the ground, the fragments will drop onto her, right? " Asked Ricolo, Lekio just nodded, before Ricolo spoke while pointing at the armored truck behind him. 

" Divide the ground. And drop down the hole and make sure she's dead. I'll find some type of explosive to set off. There has to be something in that truck." Lekio and Akane both let out a single nod, as Lekio dropped down onto one knee, and pressed his palm onto the floor, he took a single inhale before a small section of the concrete floor divided into eighths and began to rapidly fall.

The sound of crashing rocks filled the air, but that chaotic noise wouldn't last long. Mere seconds later, an ear-deafening boom rang out, shaking the walls. Ricolo had found something, but it wasn't something he expected, when he opened the truck door, hundreds of sticks of dynamite filled the truck to the brim. Him opening the door triggered a wire, that set off the dynamite causing Ricolo's body to fly, crashing into a steel wall. 

Smoke poured out of the destroyed truck, as red flashing lights covered the room followed by the sound of an obnoxious alarm. Blood poured down Ricolo's face from a gash directly above his right eye, he raised his hand feeling the wound with his fingers, while gingerly standing back up. His vision was blurry, he stared at the smoking truck aimlessly until in the corner of his eye, he saw two figures sprinting out of a hole in the floor hurling towards him. 

" Ricolo! The woman is dead! But what happened?! " 

" T-There's no time to explain, hurry up and dig us out of here. " Responded Ricolo stumbling backwards. Seeing Ricolo's bloody face, Lekio wasted no time, and dashed towards the steel wall, even though the wall was tough, it was no match for Lekio's quirk. There are only a few things, he can't cut. And steel is not one of them. 

Instantly, the wall split into two, and soil poured into the room, the once sturdy steel walls started to creek as Lekio kept diving the soil in front of him creating a small tunnel. After several minutes of digging, they broke through the surface, and the connection with Chiyo was restablished...