Chapter 38: Fragments Of Jurio

An hour after the final test, five children wearing cloaks could be seen lined up in a row in a dense forest. Facing Lori, and a man wearing a tophat. Looks of confusion were emitted on each child's face, as Lori spoke with her hands behind her back. 

" Meet Merio. Quite a famous individual from the United States. He came all the way from across the sea, just to see you... But before, I tell you some tragic news. I'd like to officially, announce the name of this group you all be a part of. After, some hard thinking. This assassin group's name will be called the Fragments of Jurio. I know what y'all are currently thinking who or what the hell is a Jurio? Jurio was my valuable son. That unfortunately passed away at the ripe age of three. Right before, I could begin training him. "

Lori took a brief break from talking to inhale deeply. Glancing at the monsters she created, a cruel grin crept onto her face as she began to speak once more. " All of you. Are my children. Essential fragments of my life. Truthfully, I adopted you. To fill the void of Jurio passing away. All of you are his fragments. And together, you equal one of him. My child- " Before Lori could finish talking, Merio let out a light cough and spoke.

" Get on with it. " 

Lori instantly glanced at him with an annoyed look in her eyes. Until she sighed and spoke. " The tragic news I was referring to is. Only four of you will be going to the States. Ricolo will stay here with me in Japan. The rest of you. Will go to the States and follow what Merio has to say. Is that clear? " Quickly, every child except Ricolo nodded their head. Seeing this, Lori spun around and spoke.

" Good. This meeting is officially over. Please be safe overseas my children. And for you, Ricolo. Follow me. We have more training to do."...

Back in the present.

The sound of a joystick jiggling up and down could be heard, coming from an arcade machine, standing in front of this machine was a young pale brown-haired boy. He let out a hefty sigh, seeing that he had lost once again. Until an intense shout coming from a TV mounted to the wall, made him shoot his head up. 

" W-What this! After an intense fight. T-Todoroki and Bakugo flew off the stage at the same time! But in a matter of milliseconds, Bakugo's right leg touched the ground first. This means that Todoroki is officially the winner! "

The kid stared at the screen until he let out a loud grunt and mumbled under his breath. " Lame. The other fight was way more cool. Even though, the other guy should have totally won."

" Well, my bad on that. " Said a sudden voice making the kid's eyes widen in shock before he snapped his head around only to see Ricolo watching the TV wearing a cloak. The kid stared at Ricolo in amazement, until he spoke while pulling out a phone.

" P-Please take a picture with me! "

Ricolo couldn't help but laugh at the kid. Before he spoke while looking down at him. " Keep good care of this picture it's going to be quite important soon. "A confused look covered the kid's face, but ignoring Ricolo's odd comment, the kid found someone to take the picture.

After this brief encounter, Ricolo left the arcade walking down the street, heading towards a forest, he walked into this forest, heading towards his sister's grave. He entered into the graveyard until his eyes widened and he stopped at his sister's gravestone, standing directly in front of it. 

" We playing dirty, are we? "

The gravestone was destroyed. Split into four different pieces, the cuts were perfect. It was clear to Ricolo, that Lekio had ruined his sister's grave. But anger didn't sweep through Ricolo's heart, instead, he let out a chuckle and spun around. He knew that getting angry would be pointless, in less than 15 minutes.

The battle between the Fragment Of Jurio will begin. The only question for Ricolo. Was where? This question would soon be answered by a piece of paper resting on the destroyed gravestone. Ricolo reached down grabbing onto this paper, before reading an address and ripping the paper into pieces...