Chapter 40: The Sweet Relaxation of Death




Inside a fast food place, the sound of a bell ringing, covered the noisy hail outside. This bell stemmed from customers opening two glass doors, which led into the food place. On the very right side of the building, Deku and several other students sat around a large square table, which was covered by a checkered red and white cloth...

Pov: Deku

I came second. I lost in the final round of the sports festival...But who cares? I finally convinced Todoroki to use his left side. The only thing I'm concerned about is how Kacchan is going to react to being below me in the standings. He came third. Also, losing to Todoroki. 

Which isn't fair to him. If Ricolo didn't randomly decide to pull out from the fight. I wouldn't have been in the finals in the first place. I glanced to my left, staring at a window, watching the powerful hail violently slam into the glass, making faint booms ripple out. I feel bad for whoever is stuck in that-

" What's wrong Deku? You seem distracted. " 

Said Uraraka looking at me slightly confused. Sitting around the table is, Iida, Mina, Uraraka, and surprisingly Jiro. Who decided to tag along last second. " It's nothing. I'm just thinking about the sports festival. " I say to Uraraka, making her nod, as another loud ring rippled out through the air. But this ring was followed by something, the sound of wet footsteps approaching us. 

I watched as Iida and the others glanced above my head slightly shocked, before I turned around and saw Eraserhead soaked from head to toe. He stared at us until talking while wiping water off his face. " He was close with y'all. More than anyone else. So, let me ask you. Do any of you? Know where Ricolo went? "

Ricolo? I don't have a clue. I texted him, asking him to join us for dinner. But he didn't respond to me. Which isn't unusual, he doesn't respond to anyone...However, it's strange...Ricolo said those odd things about this being the final time I might see him, and he randomly disappeared after that. Something is wrong. And from the stressed look coming from Eraserhead's face. This only builds onto this theory. 

" No. We invited him to dinner. But he didn't respond to me, or any of us. " 

As soon as I said this, Eraserhead let out an annoyed scoff and shook his head while backpedaling approaching the door, pulling it open before speaking. " If any of you. Do see him. Let me or any other teacher know. " 

I watched as Eraserhead walked into the hail storm, the glass door violently slamming back shut from a powerful gust of wind. Quickly, I glanced forward at the others, until Jiro spoke with concern covering her face.

" What the hell is going on? "

" Teachers not being able to find Ricolo isn't anything new. So, why are they so worried, they can't find him? " Asked Iida, shrugging his shoulders. That's true. Did he break a rule or something? No. Ricolo wouldn't hide if he broke a rule, he probably take the punishment. So-

Before I could finish my train of thought, I noticed something, Mina staring off into space, she clearly wanted to say something. But, she didn't? I kept staring at her until she let out a hefty sigh and leaned back into her chair, speaking. 

" I hope I don't get in trouble for this...But I'm going to tell y'all why the teachers are so concerned right now. "...

As Mina got ready to spill the tea about the secret attack that happened during the festival. Back inside the battlefield, Ricolo could be seen standing motionlessly, piles of rubble surrounded him, as did the assassins standing on these piles. Covered in complete darkness, the only things that could be seen, were their glowing eyes, filled with killing intent, and their silhouettes outlined by their bodies disturbing the falling hail. 

Ricolo slowly grabbed onto his torn cloak ripping it off him. Tossing it to the ground, revealing a white shirt stained in crimson blood and cuts. Ricolo wore black pants, with black dress shoes, as took steps to his right, circling Chiyo. This act confirmed two things. Ricolo had officially run out of knives to use. Secondly, from now on. Ricolo would be going on the offensive.

He was simply running out of time. 17 minutes had passed since the beginning of the fight. And fighting against three killing machines isn't exactly great for one's stamina. Even a skilled assassin like himself would begin to tire. Ricolo took one more step to his right before a chaotic grin crept across Chiyo and she screamed out.

" Here he comes! " 

As soon as she said this, Ricolo sprang off the rubble, shooting hundreds of pieces into the air. Throughout this entire fight. Ricolo had been repeating the actions of running and jumping four times in unison. Ricolo runs usually at 45 mph. However, if this number is multiplied by 1.25 four times, his speed grows to 109 mph. 

But Ricolo hadn't been repeating his running by times five, fearing injuring his body. However, for the rest of this fight, Ricolo will ignore the screaming pain in his body. And repeat every action five times over, increasing his speed to 549 mph. 

Ricolo's body vanished and reappeared in front of Akane throwing a lightning-fast punch, that slammed into her forearm. She narrowly blocked the attack, as the punch bent her arm, and a loud crack rippled out before her body flew back into a barely standing wall. This wall collapsed on top of her, as Chiyo threw a punch that slammed into Ricolo's chin. 

A massive grin was on Chiyo's face, as she dropped to her knees dodging a kick, the force of the missed kick, blew away hail, before Ricolo bent his knee, stomping towards a rolling Chiyo, narrowly missing, making a deafly bang roar out. 

Even with, Ricolo's increase in speed, it would be almost impossible to catch Chiyo off guard due to her quirk. Knowing this, Ricolo's eyes shifted towards Lekio, who was standing far away waiting for an opening. Unbeknownst to him...He would be the opening. As Ricolo dashed towards him, appearing directly in front of him, throwing a powerful kick, that slammed into his stomach sending him flying through the air, blood spilling out of his mouth. 

Chasing the trail of blood spilling out, Ricolo dashed towards Lekio, his pupils dilated, watching Lekio's body crash through a white brick wall, before he flipped in the air, landing under a flickering streetlight. Lekio barely had time to react, as Ricolo threw another punch, which grazed the right side of Lekio's face, ripping his skin. 

He gritted his teeth in pain, as a lightning-fast knee slammed into his ribs, causing him to fly back. Lekio flew through the air, reaching out his right hand, dragging his palm across a wall causing a three-story apartment building to collapse, forcing Ricolo to stop. Ricolo inhaled painfully, his body filled with agony. 

Before he spun around and blocked a kick from Chiyo, before slipping a slash from her sickle and throwing a hook, which she ducked. Pushing Ricolo's right side causing him to stumble forward. Before they spot reset their stances and glared at each other. 

" No wonder you were always Lori's favorite. Strength like yours is amazing! " screamed out an excited Chiyo violently slashing her sickle, she repeatedly slashed her weapon, forcing Ricolo to dash back over and over again. His eyes tracked the weapon, before his right hand flickered and grabbed onto Chiyo's wrist, crushing it. Making her drop the sickle. However, a cheerful look wasn't present on Ricolo's face. Instead, a look of worry covered it. 

" Chiyo's quirk could see the future, so why would she willingly get her wrist broken? " This thought ran through Ricolo's mind, as she suddenly reached out her arm, tightly hugging Ricolo. She glanced up into the dark sky, before she smirked and wrapped one of her legs around Ricolo. What Chiyo saw in the sky, was a large metal fence post, shooting down from the sky, before Ricolo could notice, this large post pierced through both of their bodies.

A look of shock covered Ricolo's face, blood spilled from both of their mouths, as Ricolo gingerly planted his palm onto Chiyo before pulling his hand back and slamming his palm into Chiyo's chest sending her crashing through the air, her body violently sliding off the metal fence post. Before flipping through the air, crashing into the flickering light post, snapping it in half, sending splinters spewing out. Ricolo dropped to one knee, with the fence post still sticking through his body. 

As Lekio and Akane appeared on either side of him. Glaring down at the fatally injured Ricolo. Before Akane grabbed onto Ricolo's shoulder and spoke, breathing heavily. 

" Relax now...Ricolo. Your life has been painful. But it's time to finally cease to fight. " A wave of relaxation swept through Ricolo's body, as he took a final breath and collapsed to his side, violently slamming into the road. A pool of blood formed under him, as his vision grew hazy, and his heart slowed...