
Nothing...Nothing. Was present. In an entirely white void, lay Ricolo staring into the empty white abyss, his face covered in confusion. He slowly pushed up off an invisible floor, standing up and glancing around. 

" So? After death? This is all there is? "

" So? After death? This is all there is? "

" So? After death? This is all there is? "...

Said Ricolo, his voice repeating almost endlessly, filling the void. Ricolo listened to his voice, before reaching down and feeling his chest, the wound caused by the fence post, had magically disappeared and his heartbeat was gone. Ricolo grew quiet, glaring aimlessly, into the void, until an abrupt tap on his shoulder, made him snap his head around. 

" What are you doing here? " Asked Chiyo, staring at him. Her body completely healed. Voice repeating.

" What do you mean? Aren't we both dead? " Responded Ricolo.

" Really? Did my final ditch effort really kill you? " 

A bright grin was present on Chiyo's face, as she said this. Ricolo could only sigh heftily, and speak while shaking his head. " Well obviously...But where the hell are we? Even though it's pure white there's no way, we're going to heaven. "

" Probably the waiting room or something... But. Hey! We get to talk to Lori again! " Yelled out Chiyo excitedly while waving her hands. 

" Tsk, she really did brainwash all of you. " 

" Not at all, she just saved us, and I'm thankful for it...But if this is the waiting room between Heaven and Hell. Let me ask you a final question. Why did you kill Liope? Lori hid it from us, but eventually, we figured out the truth. " Asked Chiyo

" He was someone that deserved to die. Similar to Lori. A cruel person for even my standards. His quirk was powerful. Dangerous. I felt threatened by it. So, I killed him. Evil and strength never mix well together. " Chiyo smirked at this comment and began to speak.

" That is true. His quirk was powerful, so I kind of can understand. Also, It seems Akane has already passed on, most likely in hell... But-What? "

Chiyo randomly stopped her sentence, her pupils were enlarged, and her eyes suddenly became bloodshot. Her lips trembled, and she spoke while grabbing onto Ricolo's shoulder. 

" Y-Your about to disappear. My quirk is saying so? But, It's like you're not going to hell...It's like you're coming back to life. " As soon as Chiyo said this a grin crept onto Ricolo's face and he spoke while feeling his heartbeat slowly coming back. 

" Looks like my last effort really worked... But I'll see you soon Chiyo. And I'll make sure to bring our family with me. "

" What?! " 

As soon as Chiyo yelled this. The void covering Ricolo's vision suddenly began to crack rapidly, before shattering, the fragments of the void swirled, similar to that of a blackhole, before the sound of hail entered Ricolo's ears, and his vision snapped back to reality. He gingerly pushed off the ground, the fence post still impaled in his body. Dripping water.

He stood up with wobbly legs and hazy eyes. He slowly glanced back, to see Lekio and Akane staring at him in complete shock. A grin crept onto Ricolo's face, as he quickly reached to his chest feeling his heartbeat. 

" What the hell? Your heart stopped? How the hell are you alive?! " Yelled out a furious Lekio glaring at Ricolo. 

" Did he repeat his heartbeat? " Asked a shocked Akane. Stumbling backwards. 

" I have only a few minutes to live... The strength of me repeating my heart, will eventually cause it to collapse entirely. Truthfully, I'm surprised it worked. But! I don't have to worry about my body anymore! I can repeat my actions as many times as I want! " Yelled out Ricolo. Being dead seconds in real-time. Had caused Ricolo to become deranged even mentally unstable. 

This fight will end very soon, in less than two minutes, and if Ricolo is lucky. He can fulfill his promise and have a family reunion in the waiting room of the afterlife. With Ricolo hardly clinging to life, only two assassins remain...



The next chapter will be the final one, for s1. I hope you have enjoyed it so far, and a little bit of a spoiler, the next chapter will end on a cliffhanger...