Sweet Final (S1 End)

Two Minutes.

Two minutes was the amount of time Ricolo had to kill Lekio and Akane. Due to his short stent stint with his death. All of Ricolo's previous, actions inflicted on either Lekio or Akane had reset completely. Their bodies were thoroughly clean from Ricolo's quirk, Ricolo quickly realized this after trying to repeat a punch, but oddly, nothing happened. 

The powerful hail falling from the night sky, somehow grew stronger, indenting even concrete. Shattering windows, piercing through roofs. Ricolo's breathing slowed, dramatically, and his pupils were dilated. It was clear to anyone. That Ricolo was already a foot in the grave...Or his entire torso was in the grave, for a better example.

Hardly clinging to life, Ricolo spread his feet apart, as Lekio swiftly ducked slamming his palm onto the ground. Neither Lekio nor Akane were stupid. They knew Ricolo's return to life would be short-lived and he would give it his all, to slaughter them. Their game plan would be simple...Run away. 

The ground surrounding them, shattered causing the few remaining buildings that were standing to crumble, Akane quickly began to backpedal while screaming out.

" Get Ready! He's coming! " 

The falling hail surrounding Ricolo's body, suddenly busted, as Ricolo's body flickered and reappeared behind the kneeling Lekio who stared at the destroyed fragments of hail in shock. With Ricolo's acceptance of death, he was able to repeat his actions, and his speed could only be comparable to the symbol of peace. All Might. 

Before Lekio could react, a powerful kick slammed into his side, ear-deafening cracks rippled out of his torso, as his body was flung through the air, at the speed of sound. Lekio's small body was screaming in pain, even through, the toughest of training from Lori. Lekio had never experienced something like this. 

Pools of blood spewed out of Lekio's mouth, before he violently crashed through several brick walls rolling to a stop, in a pile of rubble—a puddle of blood forming under him, with a single attack. Ricolo had killed Lekio. Akane could only stare at Ricolo, before she ducked, narrowly avoiding a lightning-fast kick.

Just like Lekio, Akane's eyes can't track Ricolo's movements in the slightest, she can only guess...And pray not to get hit. A massive bang rippled out as Akane rolled narrowly avoiding a stomp from Ricolo, until she leaned to her right, slipping a punch. Each attack from Ricolo caused a powerful burst of force to shoot out, obliterating the hail falling.

In a single swift motion, Akane dashed to her right, gaining distance away from Ricolo until his body vanished and reappeared above Akane throwing an axe kick, which barely missed slamming into the ground. Rubble shot into the air, as Akane's mind raced, trying to guess Ricolo's next movement...

Pov: Akane

Punch. It's going to be an overhand punch. I feel my heart race rapidly as I preemptively lean to my right, watching Ricolo's body vanish, and appear next to me. I feel an incredible amount of force fly over my head as I stare into Ricolo's eyes. They aren't cold anymore... They're completely lifeless... Just like our mothers.

I roll to my right avoiding a knee, I come to a stop on my knees, as I gasp for air. Only roughly around 15 seconds have passed since he killed Lekio. So? How the hell am I going to survive this? Ricolo's body is slightly hunched over as he stands motionlessly glaring at me. There's no telling the amount of pain, he's currently in. 

However, that pain is going to be only temporary. Lekio's plan was simple. He wanted us to run away from Ricolo until he died once again. Which isn't really my style. I know that you think I'm going to run away from you Ricolo. But I'm not going to. Our mother didn't raise a coward. You might be able to kill me in a single attack. But...So can I. 

My vision becomes hazy, tunneling vision, onto Ricolo. The sound of the falling hail leaves my ears. I slide my feet apart entering into a stance with my hand pointing towards Ricolo. My fingers point toward his chest...

Flicker Flicker Flicker

As Akane got ready to engage, the invincible Ricolo. The sight of light poles flickering, off and on, was happening randomly. Any regular citizen would assume this was caused by the powerful hail showering down on Japan. However, this was not the case. The trembles from Ricolo's attacks colliding with the ground, have shaken the cables, causing several light poles to lose power. 

Staring at those powerless poles, was Eraserhead, standing in the middle of the road, his eyes hyperfocused. The usually, calm Eraserhead. Was worried. Something in his soul was telling him something horrible was happening. 

" What is going on? Is it just me worrying? Or- RING RING RING

Before, Eraserhead could finish talking to himself, abruptly his phone began to ring, Eraserhead let out an annoyed groan and reached into his pocket, pulling out of his phone, tapping the screen answering it. 

" What do you want?" Asked Eraserhead in an irritated tone. 

" Geez. I want to call you to tell you about several noise complaints coming from an area not far from you. Oddly, It's an abandoned district- " Before the voice on the phone could finish talking Eraserhead spoke while his eyes widened. 

" Send me the location. I'll be there right away. " Instantly, he tapped the phone, ending the call. While he glared at his phone waiting for the location to be sent to him. 

As Eraserhead waited for the location to be sent. Back at the battle, It was clear to anyone. That had the benefit of watching this grand battle unfold. Ricolo and Akane were the best fighters from the Fragments of Jurio. The two had countlessly sparred with each other, they knew their attack patterns, their secrets, and their weaknesses. 

And a weakness arrived. When Akane rolled under a punch grabbing onto the metal fence post sticking out of Ricolo's body, violently yanking it out. Blood spattered on the ground, as Akane dropped the fence on the ground, making it rattle. 

" Y-Your growing sloppy. " Said Akane gasping between each word, she was completely exhausted. But the words she muttered were the truth. Ricolo had been growing increasingly sloppy, his body was at its breaking point, almost about to cave in on itself. 

Ricolo gently touched his chest feeling his almost nonexistent heartbeat, before he inhaled deeply, his body screaming in torment as he dashed forward with his fists tightly balled. The ground under him shattered, as Akane preemptively leaned to her left... However, for the first time since Ricolo had come back to life. Akane had guessed wrong. 

The punch soared toward Akane, as she quickly realized her mistake and tried to raise her guard but it was too late, and the punch crashed into her chin, making a shockwave roar out, rippling through the air, scattering the hail. Akane body flew through the air, her hair blowing violently in the wind, until she slammed into a brick wall, embedding into it. But... Unlike, Lekio, Akane gingerly glanced up, blood pouring down her face, with a piece of her skull sticking out the side of her head. She was still alive. She watched as Ricolo slowly walked towards her. Grabbing onto his chest, until he suddenly stopped, and dropped to one knee violently vomiting out chunky blood. 

Ricolo covered his mouth, feeling the blood seeping through the gaps in his finger, as he glanced up at Akane watching a grin creep onto her face, as she murmured just loud enough for Ricolo to hear. " I'll meet you there. Ricolo..." And just like that. Akane's head dropped, her face facing the ground. She had finally died.

Ricolo could only scoff before he began to vomit out even more blood, coughing rapidly. At most Ricolo had twenty seconds remaining to live. Knowing this, Ricolo relaxed his muscles, and let his body crash onto the floor on his side. Ricolo watched as blood poured out from his many wounds.

Causing the puddle formed by the falling hail to morph, into a puddle filled with blood. This puddle of blood rippled slowly, as Ricolo's heart beat one final time...But on this final beat. Ricolo saw something. A figure walking towards him.

" W-What the hell is he doing here? "...
