Tyler has been engrossed with work for the past few days. Barely leaving his office except to grab a quick bite or sleep. His mom's word still lingered in his mind but he couldn't seem to shake off his workaholic habits.
Just as he was about to dive into another long night of work,his doorbell rang. He groaned not expecting anyone to visit but the doorbell rang again, this time more insistently.
Tyler got up to answer the door and his tired face broke into a wide smile as your sister Chloe standing there, a bright pink hair and infectious grin a welcome from his dull routine.
''Chloe! What are you doing here?"Tyler asked opening the door wide to let her in.
Chloe sauntered into his apartment, A high-rise scanning the space'' I was in the neighborhood and thought, why not surprise my favorite brother?" She dropped her bag and gave Tyler a big hug
Tyler laughed, feeling a warmth spread through his chest " you're my only sister Chloe"
Chloe rolled her eyes good-naturally at him
"Details, details. So what's new with you? Still working your ass off ?"
Tyler shrugged, feeling a twinge of guilt
"Just trying to keep up with the demands of the job."
Chloe raised an eyebrow "and neglecting your social life and relationships in the process?"
Tyler sighed and Chloe's eyes landed on his computer screen which was still open to his work project.
"Ugh, Ty, you're still working on that? Don't you ever take a break? Do you know too much work can kill? And I'm not ready to lose my favorite brother"
Tyler chuckled and shut his computer down. " hey I'm your only brother and someone needs to keep the company running." Chloe raised an eyebrow
"And someone got to make sure you don't
burn out. When was the last you took a day off?" Tyler thought for a moment before shrugging
"I can't remember."
Chloe shook her head in disapproval
"Typical Tyler well I'm here now, and I'm not letting kill yourself and work the whole time for goodness sake you're only 28 let's go out and grab some dinner at least and don't say no."
Tyler smiled feeling a warmth spread through his chest "okay ma'am that sound like a good idea."
And with that Tyler followed his sister out of the apartment feeling a sense of relief and gratitude for her timely intervention. As they got to the restaurant chloe chatted about her latest art projects and hee friend's adventures while Tyler listened intently, feeling a sense of normalcy wash over him. It was refreshing to be around his baby sister.
Over dinner chloe asked about his love life and Tyler hesitated tho he doesn't have a love life and he hadn't told anyone about the mysterious woman he bumped into at the coffee shop yet but he decided to open up.
"I had a weird encounter recently" he said feeling a flutter in his chest as his mind wandered back to the girl. "I was at the coffee shop and a girl around your age bumped into me and spilled coffee and I felt this connection chloe but it's probably nothing it's just strange." Chloe eyes lit up
"Strange bad or strange...good?"
Tyler frowned at his sister "strange good I guess." Chloe grinned mischievously "that's sounds amazing you have to see her again ."
Tyler laughed "By searching the world? I don't know anything about her and by the way I'm not ready" Chloe smile faltered for a moment.
"Tyler the past is in the past you have to move on." Tyler sighed
"I know C I know" he said and Chloe smiled
"By the way my friends are dying to meet you, you're like a mystery man to them."
Tyler raised an eyebrow "a mystery man?"
Chloe nodded "yeah they can't believe I have a brother who's a successful business man and still manages to be cool!"
Tyler chuckled "well I'm not sure about the cool part but I'll try to live up to their expectations." Chloe laughed
"I know you will and speaking of which, they are super grateful for the penthouse.it's been a game changer for our crew."
Tyler smiled feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction "I'm glad I could help. It's been a great investment for me but it's great seeing you all enjoying it."
Chloe expression turned serious for a moment. "Thanks, Tyler really it means a lot to us and to me." Tyler heart warmed at his sister's sincerity.
"Anytime Chloe if I don't do it for you who will? I'm your only brother after all" they both chuckled.
After they finished dinner Chloe asked about his plans for tomorrow and Tyler shrugged " just the usual work why?"
Chloe grinned mischievously. " I was type could crash the art exhibit downtown I heard it's amazing."
Tyler raised an eyebrow " you want to go to an exhibit?" Chloe nodded enthusiastically "Yeah! It'll be fun I promise and who knows you might even find some inspiration for your own creativity."
Tyler chuckled " you know I'm not artistic, chloe"
Chloe waved her hand dismissively
"Details, details. Come on it'll be a blast and we can make fun of the pretentious art snobs together but real question can I bring my friends along so you guys meet once and for all?"
Tyler couldn't resist his sister's infectious energy.
" okay fine but if I get bored I'm blaming you not your innocent friends" chloe squealed in delight "yes! I love you pick us up by 7pm tomorrow night. Don't be late." And with that Tyler drove Chloe home.
As Chloe walked into the penthouse house hee friends looked up from their various activities. "Hey how was dinner with your brother?" Mia asked
Chloe flopped down on the couch beside them. "It was really good we had great conversation."
Her friends nodded,interested. "What did you guys talk about?" Sara asked
Chloe smiled "just life, and plans, and stuff he's really supportive, you know? I just wish he let go of his past and move on."
Her friends nodded in agreement. "He's always been there for you. Even when we didn't know him."
Chloe nodded,feeling grateful for her brother's presence in her life. "Yeah! He's the best."
The group sat in comfortably silence for a moment Chloe speaks up
"The real news is he's finally agreed to meet the both of you!"
Sara and Mia smiled "Yes! We've been waiting for this moment" Sara exclaimed
Chloe laughed. "I know, right? We're going to the art exhibit downtown tomorrow and maybe watch some movies later."
They celebrated and chatted, Chloe couldn't help but feel grateful for her brother's willingness to meet her friends.
The next night the girls were dressed already and Tyler stood outside the door and knocked
"I'll get the door" Mia said and opened the door. Tyler eyes locked on Mia's and felt a joy of recognition. "It's you,"he said, he's voice barely a whisper
Mia's eyes narrowed slightly,her head tilting to the side. "It's me, what?"
Tyler took a step closer,his heart racing. "From the coffee shop. You bumped into me."
Mia expression changed from confusion to surprise and then a slow smile spread across her face. "It's you," she echoed her voice filled with wonder.
They stood there frozen in time as the world around them melted away.