End is near Sam

As he watched Jude unleash his terrible power upon the parasites, a sense of overwhelming helplessness washed over him. His mind reeled with the sheer magnitude of the devastation, the enormity of their situation crashing down upon him like a tidal wave.

In that moment of sheer terror, a desperate wish flickered through Sam's mind, a wish for the sweet release of death, to be spared from the horrors that surrounded him. His heart raced with the intensity of his fear, each beat a drumming reminder of his fragile mortality.

But even as he prayed for an end to his suffering, Sam knew that death would offer no escape from the nightmare that had become his reality. Trapped in a world overrun by darkness and despair, he could only watch in silent horror as Jude stood as both savior and harbinger of doom, his fate intertwined with that of the world itself.