Layla and Sophie

Layla and Sophie lost track of Jude and Sam. They decided to go back for their own safety. As Layla and Sophie retraced their steps, a sense of unease settled over them like a heavy shroud. The once-familiar streets now seemed foreign and forbidding, their surroundings shrouded in an eerie silence that sent shivers down their spines.

With each passing moment, their sense of direction faltered, until finally, they found themselves hopelessly lost in the labyrinth of the city. In the face of mounting danger, they made the difficult decision to seek refuge for the night, hoping to regroup and find their way back to safety come morning.

As they searched for a suitable shelter, their eyes fell upon a towering tree with a gaping hole nestled within its gnarled roots. It seemed to beckon to them, offering the promise of sanctuary amidst the darkness that surrounded them.