No time for party

Clutching at his head, Jude fought to shake off the castle's control, his mind racing with a desperate urgency. He had to break free from its grasp, to reclaim his autonomy and unravel the mysteries that ensnared him.

Summoning every ounce of willpower he possessed, Jude closed his eyes and focused, willing himself to resist the seductive pull of the castle's enchantment. Slowly, the world around him began to sharpen into focus, the illusionary veil lifting to reveal the harsh reality of his surroundings.

As he opened his eyes once more, Jude found himself standing alone in the clearing, the echoes of the castle's deception still lingering in the air. With a heavy heart and a renewed sense of determination, he vowed to confront the darkness that lurked within the castle's walls, knowing that only by breaking free from its spell could he hope to find the truth and reclaim his freedom.

He saw Scarlett was having a fun talk with the others.