Need of love

Jude and Scarlett walked away from the shelter. They tried to believe it's all an illusion. Slowly the world surrounding them started changing. As Jude and Scarlett pressed on, their footsteps echoing through the shifting landscape, they clung to the fragile hope that the surreal world around them was nothing more than an elaborate illusion—a trick of the mind conjured by the malevolent forces of the castle. Yet, with each passing moment, the boundaries between reality and deception blurred, leaving them teetering on the edge of uncertainty.

Amidst the swirling chaos, Jude's gaze caught a fleeting glimpse of the old woman, her ethereal form flickering in and out of existence like a phantom in the mist. A chill ran down his spine as he recognized her from their previous encounters, her presence a haunting reminder of the castle's insidious influence.