Stay away from my wives

On the way Alex told a lot of things about his life, his travels and other things. Jude heard everything. As Alex regaled Jude with tales of his life and travels, Jude listened with a passive demeanor, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Grace and the unsettling events that had unfolded in her absence. Though Alex's words washed over him like a distant murmur, Jude remained fixated on the actions that had led them to their current predicament.

While Alex's stories may have held some semblance of interest under different circumstances, Jude's singular focus remained on uncovering the truth behind Grace's disappearance and the role that Alex may have played in it. Despite the veneer of camaraderie that Alex attempted to cultivate, Jude couldn't shake the feeling of distrust that lingered in the depths of his subconscious.