Search through the ship

Alex felt the power inside Jude. As a vampire he was stronger than normal people. But Jude's hit proved that jude was stronger than him. Which made him worry. Still he decided to go with his plan.

Despite the undeniable strength that pulsed through Jude's veins, Alex couldn't shake the lingering doubt that gnawed at his confidence. As a vampire, he was accustomed to wielding power over mere mortals, his enhanced abilities granting him an edge in almost any confrontation. Yet, Jude's formidable display of strength had shattered his illusion of invincibility, leaving him to grapple with the unsettling realization that he may have underestimated his adversary.

The memory of Jude's powerful blow lingered in his mind, a stark reminder of the formidable force that lay dormant within him. Though Alex's instincts screamed for caution, his ambition remained undimmed, driving him forward with a single-minded determination to see his plans through to fruition.