A spell to remember

Jude and others didn't give up on their search for the missing member. They tried to go into the places they haven't been yet. Jude found a room which looked like a meating room for the captain and his crew.

As Jude and the others pressed on in their relentless search for the missing member, their determination remained unwavering in the face of adversity. With each step forward, they delved deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of the ship, their senses alert to every shadow and hidden passage that lay in wait.

It was Jude who first stumbled upon the room, its door slightly ajar as if beckoning them to explore its secrets. As they entered, a hush fell over the group, their footsteps muffled by the thick carpet that lined the floor. Before them stretched a spacious chamber, its walls adorned with nautical charts and weathered maps that spoke of voyages long past.