Split personality

There were so many rooms locked in that section. Jude tried to open every one of them but it didn't work. In the end he found one with a jammed lock. He used full strength to push it open.

Stepping into the room, Jude's eyes scanned the shadows, searching for any sign of the missing member or clue that might lead them to their whereabouts. But as he explored the dimly lit confines of the chamber, his heart sank at the realization that it was empty, its secrets hidden beneath layers of dust and neglect.

Yet, even in the face of disappointment, Jude refused to give up hope. With each locked door he opened and every obstacle he overcame, he drew closer to unraveling the mystery that had eluded them for so long. And as he stepped back into the corridor, determination burning brightly in his heart, he knew that their quest was far from over. For in the darkness that surrounded them, the truth awaited, ready to be discovered by those brave enough to seek it out.