Chapter 312

As Jude and Layla tensed in readiness, their eyes fixed on the rustling bushes, a shadowy figure emerged into view. The figure, shrouded in darkness, cast an ominous silhouette against the fading light of day.

Jude, weakened from his ordeal, summoned his remaining strength, his gaze steady and unwavering. Layla, by his side, stood poised and alert, her instincts sharpened by the lingering tension of their recent encounter.

The shadowy figure approached with deliberate steps, its intentions veiled beneath a cloak of mystery. Jude and Layla exchanged a glance, their silent communication a testament to their shared resolve.

As the figure drew nearer, a sense of apprehension filled the air. Jude's heart pounded with a mixture of caution and curiosity, while Layla's nerves remained taut with anticipation.