Chapter 313

Zoey and her southern team were searching for Sasha. Zoey and her team, venturing into the southern reaches of the island in search of Sasha, proceeded cautiously, mindful of the warnings Zoey had imparted regarding the island's lurking dangers. The dense undergrowth and shadowy foliage obscured their surroundings, amplifying their sense of trepidation.

As they pressed forward in silence, each member of the team remained alert, their senses attuned to the slightest rustle or shift in the underbrush. The threat of encountering one of the island's monstrous inhabitants loomed ever-present, underscoring the urgency of their mission.

Zoey, leading the way with a steadfast resolve, maintained a vigilant watch over her companions. Though the absence of vocal communication rendered their search eerily quiet, the unspoken understanding between them served as a testament to their shared determination.