Chapter 326

As they stood there Eva as Layla looked at Jude's face. His face was also reflecting the sun. She held his neck and started kissing him. It was unexpected for him but Jude started enjoying it.

Jude, caught off guard by Layla's sudden affectionate gesture, felt a rush of warmth as her lips met his. The morning sun, casting its golden glow over them, seemed to heighten the moment's intimacy. Initially surprised, Jude soon found himself drawn into the embrace, reciprocating Layla's kiss with a mixture of curiosity and growing desire.

Eva, inhabiting Layla's body with calculated intent, carefully observed Jude's reactions. She noted the subtle shifts in his demeanor, the softening of his gaze, the hesitant yet willing response to her advances. Beneath the facade of Layla's innocent charm, Eva's ghostly presence manipulated the situation, weaving a web of enchantment designed to entice and captivate Jude.