Chapter 327

Jude kissed her for a long time. Eva always loved to kiss Jude. Even though she was the ghost, even though she was possessing Layla, she felt like Jude was the one controlling her, more like to make her addicted to him.

As Jude's kiss lingered, Eva's mind drifted into a realm where boundaries blurred, and the distinction between physical and ethereal dissolved. She felt a peculiar fusion of her spectral existence with Layla's corporeal form, a sensation both exhilarating and disconcerting.

In the heat of their passion, Eva's awareness ebbed and flowed like the tide, swept up in Jude's embrace. Her ethereal essence intertwined with Layla's mortal frame, suffused with the intensity of Jude's touch. It was a moment where time seemed to stretch, every heartbeat synchronized with the cadence of their shared desire.