Chapter 336

Satisfied that he was indeed awake and present in the moment, Jude refocused his attention on the task at hand.

Resuming his ascent up the rugged slopes of the mountain, Jude grappled with the physical exertion required to conquer its heights. Each step was a test of endurance, the strain of the climb compounded by the weight of uncertainty that clung to his thoughts.

Though the mountain itself was not of staggering height, the arduous journey to its summit stretched out before him like an endless expanse. The path was treacherous, littered with loose rocks and tangled undergrowth that threatened to impede his progress.

Jude's senses remained keenly attuned to the surrounding wilderness, his ears tuned to the faintest rustle of leaves or distant calls of unseen creatures. Every shadow seemed to harbor the potential threat of the island's enigmatic inhabitants, monsters that roamed the mountainside in search of prey.