Chapter 337

Exhausted yet triumphant, Jude emerged from the chamber, the weight of his ordeal lifted from his shoulders. The mountain exhaled a sigh of relief, its ancient secrets laid bare by the unwavering determination of one man.

As he descended from the mountain's heights, Jude carried with him a newfound sense of purpose, a testament to the indomitable spirit that had guided him through the labyrinth of time and space.

With each step, the island seemed to echo with the promise of discovery, its mysteries awaiting the intrepid souls who dared to venture into its depths. And amidst it all, Jude stood as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a beacon of hope in the face of uncertainty.

In the end in a blink of an eye he reached in front of the cave. It was for real this time but he was confused if it was part of the loop. Still he decided to go inside. He even lost count how many times he went inside the cave in the loop.