Chapter 372

As Susan and the others returned to the shelter, relief washed over them at the sight of familiar surroundings. However, their joy was short-lived as Layla, Lucy, and Stella arrived with grim expressions, their failed expedition evident in their weary demeanor.

Layla's eyes bore a mix of determination and frustration as she recounted their futile attempt to reach the cave.

Layla: "We tried everything, but we couldn't make it back to the cave. It's like the path kept eluding us."

Lucy, her brow furrowed in deep concern, added her perspective to the conversation.

Lucy: "It's strange. I can't shake the feeling that there's something important in that cave, something that could explain why we've been losing our memories."

Stella, ever the voice of reason, interjected with a note of caution.

Stella: "We need to proceed carefully. Whatever is affecting our memories could be dangerous. We shouldn't rush into the unknown."