Chapter 373

As Jude continued his solitary journey through the alien world, his determination to reunite with Lucy and the others burned brighter than ever. He traversed the unfamiliar terrain, his senses attuned to the slightest sign of movement or life.

It was during one of his explorations that Jude stumbled upon a shocking sight, a group of newcomers, including familiar faces from the shelter, held captive by the mysterious alien beings. His heart clenched with a mix of relief and concern at the sight of his fellow humans, their expressions mirroring the fear and confusion that had plagued him since his arrival.

Observing from a safe distance, Jude pieced together a chilling revelation, the aliens were using a portal to access the island, but they couldn't directly access it from the other side. Instead, they communicated with individuals on this side, coercing or capturing them to facilitate the opening of the portal.