Chapter 398

Jude stepped forward, his demeanor respectful. "We seek understanding," he replied, his words chosen with care. "The island has undergone a profound transformation, and we are in search of answers."

The village elder regarded them with a knowing gaze, as if he had anticipated their arrival. "Ah, the shifting of the island," he murmured, his voice tinged with reverence. "A phenomenon as old as Starlam itself."

Layla, intrigued by the elder's words, pressed for clarification. "What do you know of these shifts?" she inquired, her curiosity palpable.

The elder's expression grew somber, a veil of solemnity descending upon him. "The island is alive," he explained cryptically. "Its balance is delicate, easily swayed by external forces."

Susan, sensing an opportunity to glean insight, posed a question. "And what of Emperor Edmond's accusation of witchcraft?" she ventured, her tone measured.