Chapter 399

On the next day emperor Edmond Royans summoned Jude to his palace. The summons from Emperor Edmond Royans cast a shadow of urgency over Jude's ongoing investigation into the mysteries of Starlam Island. As he stood before the imposing ruler in the opulent throne room, Jude sensed the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon him.

"Have you discovered anything of significance?" Emperor Edmond inquired, his voice a stern echo in the cavernous hall.

Jude, his demeanor composed despite the undercurrent of tension, replied with measured candor. "I am still in the process of unraveling the island's secrets, Your Majesty," he explained, his words tempered with caution.

The emperor's gaze bore into Jude, his expression inscrutable. "Time is of the essence," he intoned, his tone laced with implicit threat. "You have one month to resolve this matter. Failure is not an option."