Chapter 403

Jude stood before Emperor Edmond Royans in the opulent throne room, his expression a careful mask of composure amidst the swirling currents of intrigue and uncertainty. The emperor's piercing gaze bore into him, demanding answers and accountability.

"Jude, it has been a day," the emperor's voice rumbled, his tone laced with expectation.

Jude's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind racing to reconcile the emperor's statement with the passage of time. In his week-long quest for answers, he had lost track of the island's peculiar rhythms, where a day seemed to stretch into a span of mysterious calculations.

With a flicker of realization, Jude's features softened imperceptibly. The emperor's perception of time was skewed, mirroring the island's enigmatic nature. A week had passed in Jude's search for clues, yet to Emperor Edmond, it had merely been a day.