Chapter 404

"It seems time flows differently in the emperor's realm," Jude explained, his words measured yet filled with underlying urgency. "We have been granted more time to uncover the truth."

Layla's eyes sparkled with determination, her voice a beacon of unwavering support. "Let us make the most of this opportunity," she urged, her gaze unwavering.

Susan nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a quiet resolve. "We must press on with renewed vigor," she asserted, her voice tinged with urgency.

Sophie, mindful of their shared plight, spoke with quiet determination. "Together, we will uncover the secrets of Starlam Island," she vowed, her voice a whisper carried on the wind.

And so, with the emperor's distorted perception of time as their ally, Jude and his companions embarked on a renewed quest for understanding, a journey that would test their resilience and redefine the boundaries of possibility.