Chapter 520

The statues were moving randomly. As the statues within the chamber came to life, their movements erratic and unpredictable, Layla and Amun found themselves in a harrowing predicament. The stone figures, each wielding a sword of solid rock, seemed driven by a primal, unrelenting force, an unyielding determination to strike down anything in their path.

Layla and Amun pressed themselves against the cold stone wall, their breaths shallow with fear. The statues' blind aggression left them with little room to maneuver, their stony limbs swinging dangerously close with each passing moment.

The chamber echoed with the clatter of stone against stone as the statues swung their swords aimlessly, their movements guided by some unseen force. Layla's heart pounded in her chest, adrenaline surging through her veins as she desperately sought a means of escape.