Chapter 521

Layla nodded, her fear momentarily eclipsed by a surge of determination. Together, they scanned the chamber for anything that could aid their escape.

Amun spotted a large stone near the chamber's entrance. With a swift movement, he hurled the stone toward the ceiling, aiming for the weakest point.

The impact reverberated through the chamber, sending a cascade of debris raining down upon them. Layla shielded her face as the ceiling began to crumble, the statues momentarily thrown off balance by the sudden chaos.

Seizing the opportunity, Amun grabbed Layla's hand, pulling her toward the collapsing wall of stone. They scrambled through the rubble, their hearts racing with adrenaline as they emerged into the passageway beyond.

Layla stole a glance behind them, her breath catching in her throat as she saw the statues struggling amidst the debris. The chamber was engulfed in chaos, but they had managed to escape, at least for now.