Chapter 536

"We can't give up," Grace said suddenly, breaking the silence that had settled over them.

Natalie nodded, her expression determined. "We've come too far to turn back now."

The others murmured their agreement, a shared resolve knitting them together.

As they watched the pyramid from afar, Sophie felt a shift within herself. This journey wasn't just about reaching a physical destination, it was about unraveling the mysteries that had bound them since they set foot on this enigmatic island.

Days turned into weeks, and still, the pyramid remained just as distant yet tantalizing as ever. They faced hardships and challenges, but their determination never wavered.

Finally, one morning, as they stood atop a high ridge overlooking the landscape, the pyramid seemed to shimmer in the distance. Sophie squinted, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

"It's... closer," Serena gasped, her eyes wide with astonishment.