Chapter 537

Lucy followed Amin's gaze and gasped. Before them stood a massive chamber, its entrance partially obscured by fallen debris. The room seemed untouched by time, its secrets waiting to be unveiled.

Khaled exchanged a glance with Lucy, his eyes bright with renewed hope. "Let's check it out."

They approached the chamber cautiously, stepping over the rubble that littered the entrance. Inside, the air was cool and musty, illuminated by faint rays of sunlight filtering through cracks in the stone ceiling.

As they ventured further into the chamber, Lucy's heart skipped a beat. There, amidst the shadows, lay remnants of an ancient civilization, ornate artifacts, crumbling statues, and inscriptions that spoke of a bygone era.

"We should keep moving," Lucy said softly, her voice barely audible in the vastness of the chamber.

Khaled nodded, his eyes scanning their surroundings. "Agreed. Let's not linger."