Chapter 633

The dark force lunged forward, but the protective barrier created by the Eyes held it at bay. The community joined hands, their collective energy strengthening the barrier.

"We must focus," Nefertari urged. "Channel your energy into the Eyes."

As the community concentrated, the Eyes pulsed with light and shadow, their combined power creating a blinding radiance. The dark force screamed in agony, its form disintegrating under the onslaught of energy.

But it wasn't enough. The dark force began to reform, its strength undiminished. "This is not the end," it snarled. "I will return."

Dr. Hargrove stepped forward, holding a small, ancient amulet. "This amulet contains a fragment of the island's original power. It might be enough to tip the balance."

He handed the amulet to Jude, who placed it on the staff. The combined energy of the Eyes and the amulet created a surge of power, enveloping the dark force in a blinding light.