Chapter 634

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the bushes. The team turned to see a group of animals emerge, seemingly unafraid. A large deer, its eyes reflecting a deep intelligence, stepped forward and bowed its head.

Ethan knelt down, meeting the deer's gaze. "It's almost as if they're welcoming us."

The deer moved closer to the altar and nudged a pile of leaves aside, revealing a small, intricately carved box. Jude opened the box carefully, revealing a crystal similar to the Eyes but smaller and glowing with a soft, pulsing light.

"This must be one of the artifacts Dr. Hargrove mentioned," Jude said, holding the crystal up to the light. "We need to take this back to the village and study it further."

As they prepared to leave, the animals remained calm, almost as if they understood the significance of the discovery. The team made their way back to the village, the crystal safely in hand.