Chapter 635

Dr. Hargrove, who had been studying the crystals and their connection to the island's energies, shared his findings. "Each crystal amplifies the power of the Eyes, creating a network of protection. If we can find the remaining crystals, we'll be able to create a barrier that not only protects the island but also enhances its natural harmony."

Jude nodded. "We need to keep searching. The more we understand these crystals, the better prepared we'll be for any future threats."

Sophie and Lucy volunteered to lead the next expedition, this time to the western plains, where they suspected the earth crystal might be located. They were joined by a group of experienced trackers and botanists.

The western plains were vast and open, with rolling hills and lush meadows. The team followed the natural contours of the land, guided by their instincts and the subtle energy readings from their equipment.