Revered Magus Chapter 39 – Zhuma

Today was very fruitful, should do this every day from now on, and like that two weeks went by with Rio continuously going into the forest in the morning and coming back by nighttime, until one day…



Name: Rio Casmir

EXP- 59,300

Class: 4th rank Mage

Subclass: 4th Rank Hachidan Martial Artist

Strength: 80.0

Agility: 80.0

Endurance: 80.0

Mana: 300.0

This was a very fruitful harvest, breaking into the 4th Rank mage at the age of 15, Rio could be said to be even more of a prodigy than the top prodigies in the academy, however, this is far from enough, Rio needs to make sure that nothing can threaten him, then Rio can start to feel safe.


"Everyone runs!! The beasts have appeared again!!"

"Someone call Zhuma!!"

Suddenly, the screams and shouts interrupted my thoughts, as Rio stood up from the bed and glanced out the window, a bloody and chaotic scene appeared, with multiple types of beasts either eating bodies or chasing someone to be their prey.

A woman was running with her child in her arms, until she fell with the child and a tiger-like beast with three red eyes slowly approached them, with the woman shielding the child trying to protect it, the tiger didn't care as it pounced on her but before its teeth could sink into the juicy and tender flesh it expected, it got hit in its face with a horizontal swing from a long iron-spiked club.

With the woman's eyes still closed still awaiting her death, when she realized that nothing was happening, she peeked out of sight until both eyes were fully opened, and she realized that she was saved by the village's warrior, Zhuma.

When she saw him, in a heroic stance and his club on his shoulder looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, she busted out crying, while thanking him with snot drooping from her nose, however, Zhuma didn't seem to pay it no mind before he charged at another werewolf-like beast with his so-called "army".

After watching the village basically run into ruins and Zhuma, slowly killed the beasts, until he ran into a gorilla-like beast, however, this beast seemed to have golden skin and extra-long canine teeth, as Zhuma charged at the gorilla with its club, the beast didn't move, in fact, he stood there and took the brunt of the attack.

'Ahhh, that's unlucky, an intermediate level beast showed up, and a pretty high level one at that' Rio thought, even though the village was under attack, it didn't really affect him in any way.' so Rio proceeded to just watched over and see what Zhuma was going to do with a beast like that.



Name: Zhuma

Class: 4th Rank Shicidan Martial Artist

Strength: 42.7

Agility: 35.2

Endurance: 48.5

'Commoners don't usually have last names, so it's not strange for there to only be the first name, but to develop into this stage is quite interesting' Rio thought before thinking whether he should try something, then proceeded with the thought.

After ten minutes, Zhuma started feeling tired, he fought with a lot of beasts before trying to take down the gorilla, it's surprising he lasted this long against it. The Gorilla didn't really attack much when they were fighting, it just stood there taking the hits from Zhuma, slowly making him exhausted both physically and mentally, realizing your attacks that could crush anything before were a joke in front of this beast would be mentally straining.

After losing the willpower to fight anymore as Zhuma deemed it useless, he slumped on the ground tired and heaving restlessly, as he looked up, he saw two hands clutched together and bringing a terrifying downward force, Zhuma closed his eyes thinking it was his end.


after a couple of second, Zhuma opened his eyes in surprise, he clearly heard a sound, but nothing seemed to happen, he saw a gorilla with his hands still clutched however a bloody hole was gaping in its shoulder going all the way to the other

both the overly bulky creatures looked around trying to find the culprit, one on the floor relieved and one standing infuriated with a pinned expression.

'I've seen enough so let me just clear the area, it is EXP anyway so why not', Rio summoned several fire lances and accurately launched them at the beasts that were in my line of sight, after a couple of seconds, every beast in the area was pierced and burnt, including the golden gorilla.

'I guess it's time to put the plan in motion'. "I have heard of the beast wave, but I never thought it was causing such chaos, you did well, warrior buying enough time, if the ape went wild without being controlled, the mortality rate would've been terrifying."

Even though Rio looked like a kid, after seeing what he did, Rio doubted anyone would take him as a joke when he spoke, and as expected, Zhuma reacted as Rio expected.

After having his willpower broken and expecting to die in the next second, while being saved, no less killing the gorilla with no effort along with several others, his eyes showed signs of reverence.

"Almighty mage, thank you for saving me and my village." His head banged on the floor, leaving an echoing sound and a bit of blood leaking out of his forehead.

"There's no need for this since I came to the vicinity, it takes nothing to do this much, it's only a shame. I should've been here sooner, if that was the case, the casualties would have been this high". Rio replied with a pitiful expression

"No such thing, you did what you could, if you hadn't arrived the village would've been decimated and nobody would've left alive, the reason why the rest of us are here is because of you, you have my utmost sincerity." He once again banged his head on the floor

'what's wrong with this guy, why does he keep banging his head on the floor so hard'.

"Anyway, it seems you have a good body, here's a martial art for you to train. Train hard at it, so you can protect your village from any threats that may befall here, I'll go and eradicate the rest of the roaming beast". Rio said as he launched himself to the remaining areas ready to collect my EXP.

As Rio left, the reverent look that was on Zhuma's face didn't fade, instead, it seemed plastered there not showing any sign of leaving.

After killing all the remaining beasts, the village became quiet, many people died and many people mourned, the atmosphere was heavy, heavier than when Rio arrived. Although there would be causalities from little waves, this kind of situation hasn't happened before.