Revered Magus Chapter 40 – 4th Rank Mage

Rio planned on staying here to keep farming EXP since he is already a 4th Rank mage and should be able to go further into the forest and get more high-end beasts to kill. Before High-Level beast groups would take some effort to kill, however now it should be relatively easy, since the beast at high levels have some intellect, they become harder to deal with, especially ones that roam in groups.

If Rio runs into a Superior Level beast, he should be able to kill it with some effort, though they aren't as smart as humans, when it comes to combat, their experience and instinct are more fearful than humans.

Rio went further into the forest while having many thoughts roaming my head about his limit, 'I still have around 2 weeks to stay here, but nobody would care if I stayed an extra week.'

Whilst Rio was farming EXP every day and went further into the forest every day, Rio's EXP rose and the look of people's eyes shone with reverence before nobody really knew what he was doing nor did they really care, however, now they saw his capabilities, they paid attention to his movement, some even followed him secretly, leaving their mouths agape at the scene of him slaughtering multiple high-level beasts.

These people hadn't even encountered an intermediate-level beast before (apart from the golden gorilla) so seeing these many high-level beasts that could decimate their entire village in a day, die so easily, they had slight signs of derealization.

'One little kid could kill these many terrifying beasts, that even if our entire village were to battle against one, we would die like cockroaches under its strength, this life really is too cruel and unfair' was probably what they were thinking.

'To be honest, I was just surprised, they had the guts to follow me this deep into the forest, they probably thought that I would rescue them if anything happened to them I scoffed whilst thinking of this'

Just like this around three weeks went by, with many people looking and bowing at me with worship when they saw Rio, and some approached with gifts, naturally, he accepted the valuable one, for what reason would he decline?

Some had the nerve to approach him with the intent to become his disciple or try to marry off their daughter to him, Rio would've burned them until even ashes weren't remaining, but that would cause more trouble than good.

Killing all these people wouldn't give him as much EXP as a dozen High-level beasts, so why invite trouble because of a bit of annoyance?

Rio went back to the inn, ready to pack his things and return to the academy.



Name: Rio Casmir

EXP- 75,800

Class: 4th rank Mage

Subclass: 4th Rank Hachidan Martial Artist

Strength: 80.0

Agility: 80.0

Endurance: 80.0

Mana: 400.0

'As expected, adding another 100 stat points is not enough to rank me up to the 1st Rank Mage Master, the threshold really increases a vast amount the more I rank up, even three weeks of continuous hunting isn't enough to rank me up into the Mage Master. It would take me about another week and a half to get enough to rank up, however, I don't like leaving the EXP on 0, or an amount where I can't do anything, it's good to have some in the reserves.' Rio thought while heading out of the inn, everything Rio needed was in his storage ring, so he didn't need to carry any baggage.

On his way out, everybody gathered around, with teary out, wishing him a safe journey back, from teary-eyed people to bowing elders and children still running around.

Rio started leaving, scoffing internally, sometime people really can't discern their enemies from their allies. Before Rio could leave the village, Rio heard a coarse tall bulky man "MASTER!!!"

'Master? I didn't take anyone as a student, who dares to claim me as their master' Rio turned back to see who the person was, and surprise, surprise it was Zhuma running towards me full speed leaving a dust cloud in his tracks.

If it was a normal person, he would look horrifying, imagine a massive bull, running at full speed with his nose flared with smoke puffing out and charging at you; some might faint.

He stopped right in front of me, kowtowing, with the apparent full-force forehead bang. "You called me master?" I said coldly, Zhuma flinched seemingly noticing something off.

"Ahh, did I overstep? It's just you gave me a martial book, so I thought you took me as a disciple".

'Hmm, well, my plan was to see if this oaf could develop into something over the years, if he meets my expectations I may make him a meat shield, but if not, I'll just kill him if I come across him

"Hmm, if you become strong enough, I can consider it, if you can reach the initial level of Kudan Rank, then I will think about"

When Zhuma heard this, instead of falling into despair and thinking the task was impossible, he enthusiastically accepted. "Yes, master don't go back on your word".

Keep in mind, even though Rio hasn't reached the Kudan Level, so you could say reaching this level is incredibly difficult. Especially for a commoner like Zhuma with no teacher.

Everybody would probably treat this oaf in an even higher light, the disciple of the revered mage, but using my name comes with a price, Rio turned around with a slight smile, and just like the smile, he left.

After a day of traveling, Rio returned to the academy, Rio could have returned soon since his body was now peak Hachidan Rank, but Rio took some time to kill the occasional beast he came across.

Rio never got to find out the reason behind the sudden increase in beasts, but that was never Rio's objective, it was his mission, but not his objective. Rio personally just wanted to buy some time to get stronger. Though Rio didn't reach the Mage Master he was targeting, it shouldn't take him long to reach that level.

Once Rio reaches Mage master, he could directly be a core disciple and choose an elder as a master, naturally, Rio would only choose an elder that the High elder couldn't easily mess with, if he can't find that he would choose a master that isn't replaceable, make the alchemy elder, he has a couple of disciples, and he's highly respected since he's the only Accomplished ranked Alchemist in the entire Academy, even the Academy Leader wouldn't let him fall in danger so easily.

Once Rio enters the core disciples, the restraints Xander has on me wouldn't be as firm. Rio is not oblivious to think as soon as he becomes a core disciple, Rio can do whatever he wants with no one to control him, in fact, it was probably the opposite, and the competitive setting would probably even be fiercer.