Revered Magus Chapter 51 - Start of Auction 

Two months passed


'Finally, it's time for the auction to begin, Rio has been waiting two months so he hopes that it meets his expectations' He thought before putting on a plain robe and going to the Myriad Auction House with his slightly altered appearance


After an hour he reached the auction house, or he was supposed to but he was blocked by a massive line


'It's time to see how useful this VVIP pass is' Rio grinned and he saw personnel of the auction house


He walked up to him and held out the VVIP pass, he was confused at first but when he then took a closer look at the card, his expression turned from normal to extremely nervous, it was as if he was caught red-handed doing a crime now he knows he's either getting death sentence or life


"Honored Guest, Pardon my behavior, please follow me" he bowed and started walking beside me with his posture lowered and hands out


'I don't think it was anything serious, why is he acting like this, he wants me to follow him, but he probably thinks it's disrespectful for him to be in front of me' Rio thought and scoffed quietly


As Rio was skipping past the very long line, the people lining up saw this and showed expressions of dissatisfaction but none of them said anything since they knew only VIPs could jump the line, so they bottled it in


Rio finally entered the hall where the auction was taking place, It was formatted like a lecture hall, however, 10x bigger fitting around 10,000 people


"Please follow me to the upper floors, Honored Guest" again with his hands out and posture lowered


They climbed up some stairs and left through a door, Rio "followed him" and reached a place that seemed like it was used for teleportation


The Personnel stepped on the formation and gestured for Rio to step on also politely, so he complied


After a couple of seconds, light-filled Rio's eyes and he was in a whole new setting, before the walls were red, now the walls are sleek white, giving a set of cleanness and purity


The personnel got off the formation and walked in front of a room, he opened the door and said "Honored Guest, here is your private room, this attendant will be here to shout out your prices if need be" he bowed and waited to see if Rio had any orders


Rio waved his hand dismissing him and he stepped on the formation again and disappeared. Rio entered his private room to see it was very spacious and luxurious, Rio nodded satisfactorily


Then his eyes happened to catch a figure, the figure looked like she was her early twenties maybe earlier, with purple hair and deep blue eyes with a well-endowed body, Rio raised his eyebrow but paid her no mind as he sat down the large comfortable couch, although he couldn't see the items from here, there was a chair or should I say mini throne, that was there


Since the auction hadn't started yet, there was no need for Rio to sit on the mini throne yet, 'I'll just meditate until the auction starts' he thought before closing his eyes, but before he could even start


"Hello, master, my name is Leona, it's so very nice to meet you," Leona said seductively as she inched closer to me until she laid her arms on my thighs, whilst she was on the floor looking up at me


"Master is there anything I can do for you to help pass the time," she said softly as if she was trying to bewitch my hands running down my thighs and the enticing scent entering my nose


She continued when she realized Rio paid her no attention, so she took a more direct approach


Rio opened his eyes and looked deep into her eyes 'What deep Mauveine color' she thought as she couldn't resist staring at Rio's eyes as if something was chaining her eyeballs to watch mine


Rio didn't circulate the mana in his pupil any longer, since he was in a private room, but forgot about her here


"Leona," Rio said coldly while still staring down at her


As if waking up from a trance she stuttered "Y-yes, master?" Blushing as she realizes what happened


"From now on you are not to disturb me until the auction starts and do not come near me, is that clear?"


As if pouring cold water on her, she froze


"Is that clear?" Rio repeated himself still staring at her


"Y-yes, I understand"


Rio nodded satisfactorily and started cultivating


After an hour of cultivating and the venue being filled up, the auction started to begin


There was noise constantly erupting the last hour however, this room has a soundproof formation, so Rio can simply turn it off when the auction begins


"M-master" she called out hesitantly "the auction is about to begin" She looked cautiously however the deep purple eyes she saw weren't easy to forget


Leona was a… let's say, hostess, she spent a lot of time prepping herself for the next guest to come, she was known for her purplish genre


Leona would almost always wear purple, she was so in love with the color purple, that she even died her hair purple to couple with the purple dress she was wearing


Leona had never seen someone with purple eyes before so it piqued her interest, but, this customer didn't seem to have any interest in doing anything, even keeping her a certain distance from him, she sighed


'If I just force myself onto him, I wonder what's the worst that could happen, at most I'll probably just be kicked out or exiled' she internally scoffed whilst disregarding the stupid and weird thoughts


"Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to the regional Auction hosted by the Myriad Auction House, we even have a full house, which is great, I won't drag on the introduction for too long, so let's get straight to the auction"


Everyone on the lower deck clapped, but keep in mind there are around 10,000 people down there so their simple clap sounded like continuous thunder strikes


"The first item is…a wyverns nail, it is a great item for refining…the starting bid is at 100 medium stones"


"120 Medium stones!"






'Wyvern's nail…could be useful in the future if I'm refining, yeah, I got enough money anyway' Rio shrugged my shoulder and told Leona to double the bid


A slight glint in her eyes appeared as she cleared her throat and shouted "400!"


Everyone looked in the direction of the voice resulting in everyone's head craning back with their neck turned, after a couple of seconds they looked back and murmured


"The market price is 300 at best though"


"I know it's not even worth it"


Everyone had slight remarks but didn't really care as they waited for their next bid


"400! Any higher bids? No? SOLD!"


An attendant came out from backstage and took the item away with another from the opposite area to bring in a new item


"Next item on the agenda is a…Serpent's feather, hard to find, usually found in 1 in every 1000 serpents…bid starts at 150 medium-grade spirit stones








Rio didn't show interest in this and it doesn't look like anything special is going to come up anytime soon


Rio snapped his fingers, bringing the girl's attention to him as he pointed at the booklet on the chair rest


Although she was internally dissatisfied she could only smile and bring the booklet to him


Rio opened the booklet and circled the items that he wanted and gave it back to her


"When they bring these items on, tell me," Rio said whilst a knock was heard on his door


*Knock, Knock"


"I have your items ready, sir"


"Come in," Rio said as the door opened accompanied by a young man who wouldn't be older than 20


He asked for the payment and Rio used the VVIP card to pay, when the attendant saw it his expression changed


"No need sir, VVIP pay at the end of the auction so we don't waste too much of your time, have a good auction, sir" is said before he gave the item to the girl, bowed, and left


'Don't every VVIP get a booth? So why ask when entering a private room, maybe VIPs have to pay on the spot, Rio thought but dismissed the thought