Revered Magus Chapter 58 – Bloodline Abilities

Rio's eyebrows creased as he heard what Kanur said.

"How would I break the seal?" Rio replied to Kanur so-called solution.

"Simple, if you pour some darkness mana and your lifespan in the mix into the seal it would start to break".

"Lifespan? How much lifespan would I need to offer" replied Rio.

"Since I did the majority of the work already, around a thousand years," Kanur said as if he was stating something insignificant.

"A thousand? That is practical all the lifespan I have" Rio said in a slightly perplexed manner, Rio always like to keep his emotions in control but when he heard that he couldn't get out of there and the only way to get out is to give up a thousand years, who would possibly keep a neutral face

The one thing that nearly every cultivator failed to defeat was their own lifespan, no matter what there was an end and Kanur was asking Rio to speed up that end almost instantly.

"Relax kid, Black dragons have a longer lifespan than humans, normally with your cultivation you would have around 1200 years but since you have the Black Dragon blood running through your veins, your lifespan roughly doubles when you awaken your bloodline," Kanur said in order to calm Rio.

'Although that is good to know, there is no way I am giving away a millennium of my lifespan away, there has to be a way to get out of here' Rio acted as if he was thinking about it, trying to find an alternative solution.

'SYSTEM!' Rio called out in his mind remembering his handy golden finger.




There was no reply, however on the last one Rio was sure he heard something, either that or he was going insane from being here, Rio decided to try his luck.

'System, eject my consciousness from the place'.


Although it was subtle Rio heard the slightest ding and a couple of seconds later, he felt some sort of detachment from this place, although it was small it was there.

'I probably need to wait for the system to complete the task, while it's doing that let's try to get more information about my so-called bloodline' Rio thought, since he was in a foreign place he didn't care about anything but getting out of here so he dismissed when Kanur was talking about his bloodline, but now there was a bit of hope he could ask a bit about his bloodline

"You said I could double my lifespan if I activate my bloodline, how do I do that," Rio asked.

The tiniest grin appeared on Kanurs face before he recovered, however, Rio didn't catch it.

"it's simple really, to activate your bloodline, you need a sort of catalyst to stimulate the bloodline, back in my era we were usually baptized by the Dragon Blood Pool when we were just a couple of months old, so you probably need to find something equivalent to that" Kanur replied

"Dragon Blood Pool, I don't even know what that is, and you want me to find something like that or equivalent," Rio said.

"You can also use a similar or stronger bloodline to awaken the bloodline within you, if it's a weaker bloodline, it won't work, it would even have the adverse effect of tainting and weakening your bloodline, or a portion of some sort to awaken it" Kanur said in a slightly annoyed manner as he was tired of all this talking

Although he didn't mind since he was secluded from this world for 500,000 years, the constant questions being asked started to get on his nerves.

Rio stood there and shook his head in slight understanding, he once again looked at the dragon with a determined look ready to take a risk.

"What do I get in return for breaking the formation, since I am losing a thousand years, I should get something worth that, am I wrong?" Rio said ready to draw as many benefits as possible before leaving.

An eyebrow rose on Kanur's face, "The thousand years is also to free you, 100,000 years although long, I can afford to wait".

"You can afford to wait sure, but do you want to, there's an option to leave 100,000 years earlier in exchange for some small benefits, after I consume that 1,000 years I will only have around 150 years left to live and try to find a way to increase my lifespan".

Kanur looked at Rio's determined look and sighed internally, although he could wait, he'd rather not

"What do you want child?" Kanur said.

'Bingo' a slight glee of joy appeared in Rio's eyes, but he didn't express it.

"If I have the Black Dragon's bloodline, that means I can use their abilities, right?" Rio asked.

"That's right, as long as you are able to activate the bloodline, you are able to use our innate abilities" Kanur replied.

"What are the abilities that the Black Dragons have?"

"Is this what you want to know in return for breaking the seal?" Kanur replied with a slight smirk

"No, I'm simply asking questions about abilities I will acquire in the near future, my request is something else".

"The abilities we black dragons have Draconic Eyes which belongs to all dragons not only the black dragons but The Draconic eyes also have two abilities,

One allows us to see far, through illusions, analyze, predict attacks, judge if someone is lying or not, and most importantly can be used to see in all directions.

The Second ability of the Draconic eyes is called Subjugation when you can forcibly dominate someone and make them listen to your command, but you won't be able to use that until you reach the proper realm, at your realm you could probably use it to cause fear at most.

The last ability of the draconic eyes is called Reality's Gate, it can temporarily suck in the consciousness of people into a dream world that would assault them with things they fear, this ability is only used by the black dragons, other dragon races also have their own unique ability.

Apart from those eye skills we were notorious for one special skill, Amaterasu, the everlasting black fire, only the user can put out the fire, however using this skill is another matter, that practically all the abilities the Black Dragons use" Kanur finished explaining.